Deconstructing higher education expansion from teacher’s perspective


Kudos for all efforts to achieve the targeted gross enrolment ratio (GER) of 50 by 2035 as envisaged by NEP 2020. This calls for a mammoth expansion in the capacity of existing higher education institutions (HEIs) and the setting up of new ones. The current statistics of the University Grants Commission show the presence of 56 central universities, 479 state universities, 124 deemed to be universities, and 456 private universities. The student enrolment in higher education as per AISHE is around 4.14 crore students who are taken care of by 15.5 lakh teachers which will be booming further.

Undoubtedly, the envisioned GER is calling for nearly doubling the number of teachers. The potential role of teachers in the current state of the country does not require underlining. Therefore, the direct correlation between the well-being of teachers leading to meaningful deliverables from higher education is quite comprehensible and presses for introspecting the prevailing situation.

Quite often the vacant posts of teachers in the publicly funded public sector institutions are being deliberated at various levels. Such concerns for regular recruitment of teachers in HEIs against the vacant posts are for the want of good quality teaching-learning-evaluation processes. However, the arrangements are made with due compensation as stipulated by the regulating bodies but the uncertainty with the individual teachers in such temporary arrangements acts as a deterrent in getting the best from them. Certainly, consequent to the constant efforts to fill these vacant posts there is a perceptible improvement.

HEIs in the self-financed private sector rarely get the spotlight due to the unavailability of teachers due to their expeditious, self-financed, and self-regulated teacher hiring. Numerically, such institutions can demonstrate the fulfilment of the student-teacher ratio prescribed by the higher education regulators. Nevertheless, there is a likelihood of other disquieting issues about teachers in these HEIs. Introspection into teacher affairs in higher education necessitates looking into factors like job security, workload and working conditions, economic factors, research and development, professional development, diversity and inclusion, technological advancements and globalization, governance, etc.

There is a significant influence of consumerism and marketing creeping into the higher education system, although it depends upon the discipline, region, and nature of the institution. Notably, the self-financing of higher education resulted in the higher cost of education and the students have started perceiving education as a set of services purchased by them, which is very unfortunate. The discernment of teachers more like service providers rather than teachers is causing a growing gap concerning the mentoring of students by teachers beyond the classroom. A gradual loss in the esteem of the most pious teaching profession appears to be the consequence of the motives of a large return from the respective HEIs, degenerating classroom interactions, apathy of students in the classroom due to unimpressive teaching, ubiquitous access to e-content, insufficient preparation by teachers for classes, disregard to the holistic learning, etc.

Going by the nature of public-funded vs. self-financed HEIs, the inadequacy in job security of the latter dissuades all those who are not crazy about moving from one institution to the other. The lust for job security pushes most aspirants for the public sector HEIs. Given the entirely different role of shaping the young generations, it must not be considered a job like other jobs by those managing the HEIs.

The compensation to the teachers in self-financed HEIs is another major factor that influences the attrition rate of teachers. The direct correlation between receipts and expenditures is at times leading to difficulties in sustaining the liabilities due to declining student numbers. A decrease in student numbers results in lesser revenue and the paychecks face the brunt. The growing tendency of frequently shifting from one HEI to another is yielding a higher degree of inconsistency in the teaching-learning ambience in such HEIs. As a result these individuals seldom get a chance for deeper insights in any research area or the areas of their interests. This eventually deprives temporary teachers of their research productivity and their creativity. A high attrition rate of teachers like gig workers may not make any immediate impact on the HEIs because the institution cushions all such gaps through alternate arrangements for teaching-learning but the short duration stay of teacher(s) is disastrous for the HEIs in the long run.

Although higher education regulators have laid down the workload for teachers, there are instances when the workload is beyond that and the working conditions are not commensurate with the profile of a teacher. The disenchantment of individuals from teaching could primarily be due to poor salaries, unstructured and shabby working conditions, overburdening, and fewer opportunities for pursuing their passion to contribute in terms of shaping young minds, research & development, innovations, etc. Teachers have to be part of HEIs for long periods for their heart and soul to get into the development of students and HEIs. Even the tenure track teaching engagements in the socio-economic spectrum of the country are not favourably accepted due to insecurity predominating over the secured engagements till superannuation. Regular teachers are better as compared to contractual or tenure-track teachers in respect to service conditions. Professional development is the aspiration of every teacher and the uncertainties associated with any teacher prevent him/her from the latest research, teaching approaches, and other advancements which impact career advancement.

The precarious state of teachers in self-financed HEIs and temporary teachers in public sector HEIs vociferates immediate interventions for ameliorating the situation of teachers. HEIs in private sectors have to unshackle themselves from the less-than-minimum salary payment syndrome. Teachers also have to come forward to offer their best to their students and bring charm to theory and laboratory classes to ensure that the students accord high priority to their regular classes. It is inevitable to strategize for making the compensation of teachers at par with that detailed by the higher education regulators. The teachers should be provided with congenial working conditions and stability so that they may plan their professional development as well as contribute their best. Engagement of teachers must be made following due process and made merit-centric to corroborate the ethical standards and value system among them. The state of teachers and associated human resources in the self-financed HEIs must be contemplated so that these become good employers. The involvement of teachers and staff members is inevitable for providing good quality education or else the expansion in higher education for targeted GER will not fructify as aspired. It ought to be realized that every good teacher demands peace of mind, happiness, suitable compensation, growth opportunities, and ambience for research, development, and innovation along with pride in being a teacher.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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