
2023 handed over the baton to 2024. Just as decades of one’s life keep on progressing without any chance of a revisit. 

Life for boys revolves around parents, friends, girlfriends and health. Every decade, the orientation towards these keeps on changing. Let me walk you through feelings of  progressive decades.

First two decades of life are spent in useless activities like thumb sucking, schooling and entrance exams. 

It is in third decade of life, that is in 20s (Bad schooling will make you count 20s as second decade) that one starts to realise that there is more to life than studies. 

Age 20-30 years: 

  1. Finish studies, find a job and get out of clutches of the parents.
  2. Find a nice girl, beautiful and compatible. She might not be rich, money is not everything.
  3. Friends mean so much in life, should have plenty of them. 
  4. what is disease?
  5. People in their 30s are oldies.

Age 30-40 years: 

  1. Life is better away from parents, but it is difficult to spend my own money. Now I always look for sales. It is difficult to raise kids without the help of parents.
  2. I was able to find a nice girl finally. It took some effort. Earlier, after spending time and money with three girls, we realised we are not compatible. Two of them were very beautiful and one was very rich. Combination of beautiful and rich is rare. 
  3. Nice friends are few. I let go of friends whose favorite past time was to let out my pre-marriage secrets.  Also I decreased going out with friends who were acting as bachelors. 
  4. During routine medical, I realized that I was borderline hypertensive. I don’t think that is dangerous. Or is it?
  5. 30s is as young as ever. People in their 40s are oldies.

Age 40-50 years: 

  1. Keeping a balance between professional and personal life can ruin one’s mental balance. What is the purpose of parent teacher meeting? 
  2. Slowly we are discovering more and more compatibility issues in marriage. How can a used towel on bed become a harmony threatening problem? Soon we will need separate bathrooms, I guess. 
  3. All the friends are busy now a days. One has to fix an appointment to meet them. 
  4. Borderline hypertension can be dangerous and can even cause sudden death. I have a family history of high blood pressure. Must consult a doctor soon. 
  5. 40s is the age when you start understanding life. People in their 50s are oldies.

Age 50-60 years: 

  1. Now I want my just adult kids to be under my watch and ward. I realise the anxiety and effort of my parents to make me a good human being was justified. But now my kids are trying to finish their studies, find jobs and get out of my clutches. That is so unfair.  
  2. Separate bathrooms? May be we need separate sleeping rooms also. I get accused of snoring all night, which I am sure I don’t do. And we have very different liking for TV shows. Another sore point is who will sleep on the washroom side of the bed. Beauty is skin deep, one should marry a rich girl. 
  3. Few of the friends have undergone stenting, bypass surgeries, cataract surgery or prostate removal. Its so difficult to go and enquire about their health. 
  4. Now I am on plenty of medicines to control my blood pressure and other ailments.  
  5. 50s is the age when you start living for yourself. People in their 60s are oldies.

You have to wait for a few years to get my views on 60s.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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