
Dear Bitcoin,

Those that ran away from you

Now come back to you 

When you were down 

They gave up on you 

Many said you were dead

But now you are resurrected 

Flying so high like a bull you fight

Oh bitcoin you are my joy and pride

I realised your powers at first sight

At first when I spoke about you

I was written off as a mad man

Now that your so high 

Everyone wants to know more 

Oh bitcoin in your lofty fight

You have turned skeptics 

Into seekers of light

A few weeks back, as Bitcoin began its latest dazzling ascent, I penned this poem reflecting my journey and belief in this digital marvel. For those new to my perspective, I’m deeply entrenched in the world of Bitcoin, a true Bitcoin Maximalist. Since 2012, I’ve navigated the crypto space, wearing the hat of a lawyer, witnessing its evolution from niche internet corners to mainstream recognition, including its momentous day in the Supreme Court of India.

The journey of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies has been nothing short of a rollercoaster. I’ve watched closely, from its early days shrouded in mystery to its triumphant stride into legal acceptance. The day the Supreme Court of India delivered its 180-page judgment favouring cryptocurrencies was a day of vindication for enthusiasts like me. This landmark decision not only validated my faith in the technology but also marked a pivotal moment for Bitcoin in India.

For those contemplating diving into the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, it’s crucial to recognize the legal green light in India. However, it’s equally important to arm yourself with knowledge. Before making any investment decisions, I urge you to conduct thorough research. A great starting point is “The Bitcoin Standard” by Saifedean Ammous, a comprehensive guide that delves into the essence of Bitcoin and why it matters in today’s economic landscape.

Navigating the crypto space can be daunting, but with the right knowledge and understanding, it offers an exciting frontier of possibilities. Remember, investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is not just about riding the wave of price surges; it’s about believing in the transformative potential of this technology.

Bitcoin’s Odyssey: From Rejection to Reverence

In the ever-evolving tapestry of modern finance, few phenomena have captured the collective imagination as dramatically as Bitcoin. From its inception, it promised a revolution, but its path has been anything but straightforward. The journey of Bitcoin, from an obscure digital currency to a beacon of financial innovation, is a tale of resilience, a saga that mirrors the age-old adage: “Every dark cloud has a silver lining.”

Once shunned and ignored, Bitcoin has now emerged as a symbol of defiance against traditional financial systems, an emblem of pride for those who dared to believe when belief seemed folly. Its story is not just about technological innovation; it’s a narrative of human belief, resilience, and the eternal quest for freedom.

The Early Days: A Lonely Path

When Bitcoin was introduced, it was met with scepticism. It was the era of giants, where traditional currencies and banks reigned supreme. In this world, Bitcoin was a mere whisper against the roar of established financial institutions. Those who dared to advocate for its potential were often met with dismissal or outright ridicule. I, too, found myself among this pioneering cohort, championing a cause that seemed lost to the world.

The Fall and Rise: A Phoenix from the Ashes

The road for Bitcoin was fraught with challenges. It faced regulatory scrutiny, was the victim of high-profile hacks, and suffered from volatile market swings that would have doomed any traditional asset. Critics were quick to pen obituaries for Bitcoin, declaring it dead or a fad of the past. However, akin to a phoenix rising from its ashes, Bitcoin displayed an indomitable spirit. Each setback was met with a stronger comeback, each downfall a setup for a greater rise.

This resilience is not just a testament to the technology behind Bitcoin but also to the unwavering faith of its community. When the world gave up on Bitcoin, its believers doubled down. They saw not just a currency but a cause, not just an asset but a movement.

The Bull’s Charge: A Soaring Valuation

The turning point came unannounced, a silent revolution that began to gain momentum. As the world grappled with economic uncertainties, Bitcoin emerged as a beacon of stability and potential. Its value began to soar, capturing the attention of even the most skeptical investors. The bull had begun its charge, and there was no stopping it.

This meteoric rise was not just a victory for Bitcoin but for all who had been marginalized by the traditional financial system. It represented hope, a tangible proof that alternatives existed, and they could thrive.

The Transformation: From Sceptics to Seekers

Today, the narrative around Bitcoin has shifted dramatically. Those who once dismissed it now seek to understand it. Financial institutions that shunned Bitcoin are now exploring ways to integrate cryptocurrencies into their offerings. The world has begun to recognize the potential of decentralized finance, and Bitcoin stands at the forefront of this revelation.

This transformation from sceptics to seekers is not merely about adopting a new technology. It’s a cultural shift, a re-evaluation of what we value in our financial systems and how we define trust and security.

A Personal Journey: From Outcast to Visionary

Reflecting on my journey with Bitcoin, I cannot help but feel a sense of vindication. What was once considered madness is now viewed as foresight. The journey was not easy; it was filled with doubts, fears, and moments of despair. Yet, through it all, Bitcoin remained my beacon, my unwavering light in the darkness.

Conclusion: The Dawn of a New Era

Bitcoin’s odyssey from rejection to reverence is more than just a financial tale; it’s a narrative of human perseverance. It teaches us that belief in an idea can withstand the test of time and opposition. As Bitcoin continues its ascent, it challenges us to rethink our financial systems, to imagine a world where freedom, transparency, and equity are not just ideals but realities.

As we stand on the precipice of this new financial frontier, let us take a moment to reflect on the journey thus far. Bitcoin has not just transformed the financial landscape; it has changed us, turning sceptics into seekers of light. In its lofty fight, Bitcoin has reminded us of the power of innovation and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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