Darker Side Of AI: How Shadow AI Is Casting New Cybersecurity Challenges



Technology is transforming at a rapid pace, and novel tech-enabled applications are emerging now and then. While these applications have become a boon for individuals and businesses, some have also raised various concerns and threats. Amidst these technological wonders, one innovation that has garnered much attention lately is artificial intelligence (AI). AI is becoming a dependable ally, supporting both human and commercial operations. While artificial intelligence continues to advance, so does the rise of the darker side of AI or what we so call as ‘shadow AI’.

Unapproved or unethical generative AI use inside an organisation not subject to IT control is called shadow AI. Salesforce reports that 49 per cent of users have employed generative AI, and more than one-third do so daily. This could lead to a cybersecurity crisis and an IT nightmare that could jeopardise an organisation’s security. 

Challenges Thrown Up By Shadow AI

Illicit access: Compared to licensed AI applications, unauthorised AI implementations lack the same security and access controls. This might result in illegal access to confidential information, such as financial records, intellectual property and client data. An organisation might lose sensitive data due to intentional or unintentional data breaches brought on by this uncontrolled access.

Identity fraud: Since shadow artificial intelligence applications are sophisticated and adaptable, they can be used by hackers to pose as authorised users or workers. This can result from identity theft and illegal access to networks, systems, and private information. Shadow AI makes it simple for defaulters to mimic authentic user behavior, making identification and prevention challenging.

Operational dangers: Operational dangers can impede a business’s capacity to grow and succeed. An AI shadow tool with insufficient training could produce inaccurate data that could impact the decision-making ability of a business. This could wind up in missed opportunities and wrong investment choices, which could have a negative influence on the organization’s long-term goals.

How To Address Shadow AI Risks

With artificial intelligence growing in popularity, the potential of shadow AI to introduce vulnerabilities and cybersecurity concerns is also rising concurrently. Consequently, to prevent such hazards, it has become crucial for organisations to adapt to this changing environment and exercise vigilance quickly. They can appropriately respond to the issues brought up by shadow AI by managing access, implementing policies, and exercising education and training. By adopting a proactive and collaborative approach, businesses can effectively mitigate the risks associated with shadow AI and concentrate on utilising AI’s benefits to achieve continuous growth and advancement.

(The author is the Director, Marketing and Sales at Mass Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)

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