Dancing colours, silent tears!



In the realm of shadows, where darkness holds sway,

Amidst the festival of lights, a sombre display.

A tapestry is woven with threads of despair,

War’s cruel embrace, an unholy affair.


Some places war, some places celebration,

Is it so comfortable to embrace?

Can pain and joy be so easily balanced?

Has our consciousness died in this trail of life?

To the pain of our fellow passengers of life.


In the festival of lights, where joy should bloom,

A shadow casts its pall, an echo of doom.

Amidst the vibrant hues that dance in the night,

Lies the tale of wars, a sorrowful plight.


Where the night sky brightens with firecrackers,

The same night sky witnesses,

the spark of bombs and the fire of violence.  

The sky above feels devastated,

Unable to fathom the human’s integrity,

As it’s questionable at each level of empathy.


Beneath the glow of a thousand flames,

Echoes of sorrow, like silent refrains.

The dance of light, once a joyous delight,

Now mirrors the anguish, the endless night.


Beneath the twinkling stars, a battlefield cold,

Where stories unfold, of the young and the old.

The flickering candles weep and sigh,

As the echoes of gunfire pierce through the sky.


Where there should be happy faces,

With love and light,

In and out.

Here, erupts a world of cruel darkness,

With no moral values to stand by,

Each participating in the game of pride.


No respect for fellow beings,

Violence being preferred instead of peace.

The friendly neighbourhood turned into a battlefield.

What are we teaching to the next generation in line?

To live with crime or love and peace?

Living examples of compromised integrity,

Where talks are cheap and so is life.


Colour red, a gift of the divine,

To embrace unity instead of divide.

But religious fights turned into ugly sights.

Who is superior? Who is right?

Where spirituality should reign over the religious psyche,

Here we find a pitiful sight.


Amidst the lanterns, a flicker of pain,

A tale unfolds, a lament in the rain.

Warriors adorned in armor so bright,

Yet hearts heavy, burdened by the fight.


In the glow of the lanterns, a mother weeps,

Her child was lost to a war that relentlessly creeps.

The fireworks burst, a facade so bright,

Yet cannot dispel the darkness of this night.


The darkness in our hearts is so deep.

Covered with ego, greed, and pride.

A sorrowful reality, a disillusioned mind.

It’s not that one can’t discern,

It’s simply that one does not want to discern,

Between what is right and what is wrong. 


Through the laughter and songs, a somber refrain,

Of lives torn asunder, of hearts drowned in pain.

The festival of lights, once a beacon so bright,

Now a reflection of a never-ending fight.


The festival of lights, a paradoxical scene,

Where joy meets sorrow, in a realm unclean.

The colours that dance, a cruel masquerade,

Hiding the scars of a world betrayed.


We feel we are betraying others,

But the fact is we are truly betraying ourselves.

The loss so profound,

Can’t be recovered with time unbound,


A red stain on our white conscience,

As we journey through this existence in time.


The colours may dazzle, the music may play,

But the wounds of the battlefield never fade away.

In the festival of lights, a plea for peace,

For wars to cease, and for suffering to cease.

To live and let live, with integrity intact.


Each burst of firework, a thunderous cry,

As if the heavens weep for those who suffer and die.

In the festival’s rhythm, a mournful beat,

A dirge for the fallen, a solemn retreat.


The laughter of children, a bittersweet sound.

Innocence lost on battlegrounds unfound.

As the lights shimmer, so too does pain,

A reminder that wars leave a lasting stain.


In the midst of this melancholy night,

Hope lingers on, a fragile light.

For even in darkness, the stars find their way,

Guiding us towards a brighter day and a wiser mind.

With hearts so big, that hurts for others too and not just for self.


As the lanterns ascend to the vast, starry height,

They carry with them the souls lost in the fight.

May the festival of lights, with its radiant grace,

Illuminate a path to the world without a war’s embrace.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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