Dalit history month, and the perils of mimicking the west



First of all, let us acknowledge what we have to. Just so we play it safe. There is no denying that the initiatives around Dalit history month help throw light on the contribution of some Dalit leaders to anti-caste history. But at the same time, mimicking Black history month and force-fitting anti-caste narratives into a month-long ‘Dalit history’ recollection does more damage than good to anti-caste history.

Black history month essentially claimed that the history of America is the history of the Afro-Americans. In a racially divided country, there is a clear distinction between the specific history of each race and their role in nation-building. But to impersonate the model here forcibly creates a Dalit vs non-Dalit narrative, erasing the graded inequal nature of a caste society.

When some self-declared wise men claim that caste is a western construct, we don’t have to take them seriously. But at least we can now be sure that ‘Dalit history month’ is sort of a western import. Let’s take a look at the strange and unusual things that happen throughout this month…

As Simon & Garfunkel’s song ‘April, come she will’ claimed, this is the month when media houses hunt every educated Dalit in the country and request them to write a sob story of their preference. While these writers are conveniently forgotten during the other months, in April, inclusion and diversity shall be at their peak.

During other months, young Dalit and OBC voices can be seen quarrelling perennially with each other on social media. If Dalits are abused as ‘blue sanghis’, OBCs are called out as ‘oppressors’, ‘shudras’, ‘dominant castes’ and whatnot. Even though they have issues with a dozen individuals from the SC or OBC group, they have chosen to abuse the 1,000-odd scheduled castes and close to 4,000 backward castes in the country. But amusingly, during Dalit history month, anti-caste icons from the OBC category will automatically be given a month-long Dalit certificate. The Phule couple will become Dalit, Phoolan Devi will also become Dalit and why, even Lord Buddha will become Dalit. And in some interesting cases, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela also became honorary Dalits.

And because there is a pressing need to create a unified Dalit history, what better place to start than one’s plate? Every April, beef is declared the official Dalit diet. It doesn’t matter that several Dalit communities might never have eaten it. But this month, all Dalits from across the country are expected to eat beef for breakfast, lunch, evening snack and dinner. Beef pongal, beef dosa, beef idli, beef poriyal, beef kootu, beef rasam, beef chutney, beef sambar and — wait! I am sure you get the drift. As experts say, it is the time to beef it up.

In some ways, Dalit history month is also similar to Zara’s annual sale or what we call in Tamil as ‘Aadi discount sale’, where the works of Dalit writers are sold at an irresistible discount. Because we believe that the sales drive for social justice can never hurt anyone. One just has to look around and witness the multiple listicles titled ‘10 Dalit writers to follow on Instagram’ or the ‘5 Dalit women writers who smashed caste and patriarchy at Jaipur Literature Festival’ floating around the internet.

It has also become very important to add the prefix ‘Dalit’ to everything a Dalit individual does during this month. Because this helps in racialising the Dalit further. So, when a Dalit eats, it is ‘Dalit food’. When a Dalit drinks, it is a ‘Dalit drink’. Or if a Dalit speaks, then of course it is the ‘Dalit word’. But in a way, we are fortunate that such labelling has only been reserved for eating, drinking and the like. It might have been awkward if similar labelling had been forced on the contents reaching the other end of the digestive tract.

During this month, it is mandatory to evoke the memory of Rohith Vemula or Anitha, for a dead Dalit offers more opportunities for a romantic discourse than any useless living counterpart. It might be ironic that while such deep romanticism is devoted to dead Dalits, the living Dalit is only subjected to ridicule and abuse in our society. But as they say, better dead than alive.

It is also the time when Dalits are expected to claim they had a glorious past while convincingly narrating their victim story of 2,000-plus years. Also, while OBC bashing can continue in good faith, a friendly handshake with the friendly liberal Brahmin from your neighbourhood is always encouraged in this auspicious month. And importantly, we have to acknowledge that this month-long fanfare will involve the strengthening of narratives from those scheduled castes that are relatively larger in population and have had better access to opportunities through reservation. A Dalit community that plays a musical instrument or is involved in agriculture can proudly claim its history of being artists or agriculturists. But the same privilege is not available to those associated with stigmatised and dehumanising occupations. They are expected to just sit and stare. And their cooperation can be thanked later.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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