Da Vinci: Unveiling compassion through cuisine



Sumit Paul

‘I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” – Leonardo da Vinci.

One of the greatest minds in recorded history, Leonardo da Vinci was a sensitive man. Only a sensitive man like him could have painted the legendary Mona Lisa, La Gioconda. Are sensitivity and vegetarianism interwoven human attributes? Perhaps, they are. Ghazal maestro Mehdi Hasan once told me that he gave up eating meat with these words, “Ibadat-e-mausiqi mein jaanwaron ke qatl se khalal padta hai” – the worship of music is hampered by the killing of animals.

Persian mystic Jalaluddin Rumi was also a vegetarian. He believed that all lives were sacred, “Even a seemingly lifeless stone has a degree of consciousness; respect it.” Like many mystics, especially Rabia Basri, Rumi was a staunch vegetarian and shunned even milk and milk products. They were today’s vegans. Rumi even refrained from sacrificing animals as an Islamic ritual on Eid-al-Adah, Bakrid.

This is the apogee of compassion and fellow feeling. Here, the point is not to condemn non-vegetarianism. It is just a symbol, a metaphor, to be precise. This shows the totality of compassion and a complete banishment of violence of any imaginable sort.

Animals are not inferior creatures. Leonardo da Vinci wrote in his notebook, “Look at all animals as you look at humans.” This creates sensitivity that further blossoms into universal empathy. The sanctity of every life is to be saved and preserved.

Da Vinci makes us believe that what we eat, directly influences our thinking. It is like the Eastern thinking: ‘Jaisa anna, vaisa mann.’ If we consume an animal, its blood and gore will make us act like a slaughterer. Elsewhere, he said, “Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places.”

Instead of circulating inauthentic and unverified teachings of Rumi and Leonardo da Vinci, maybe we should popularise their spiritually trenchant views on animal-killing for one’s palate. Rumi, da Vinci, Keats, Einstein, Tolstoy, Franz Kafka, Shelly, GB Shaw, Pythagoras, and Alexander Pope were all vegetarians.

Our compassion is often limited to humans. It doesn’t encompass all creatures. We often argue that animals were created by the Creator for human consumption. This, a very warped way of thinking. Creator, if at all it does exist, cannot be so ruthless as to create animals for our palate.

Leonardo da Vinci wrote, “Sensitivity makes us compassionate, and compassion is not just a quality. It’s a virtue. A virtuous heart is always ethical and embraces all creatures on the Earth; from the tiniest to the biggest. So, be sensitive and compassionate to all.” And Leo Tolstoy underscored this by saying, “Compassion and vegetarianism go hand in hand.” They indeed go together. We need to love animals, not devour them.

April 15 is Leonardo da Vinci’s birth anniversary



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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