
Looking at data (observations, variables, datasets) day in and day out makes me quite data-centric. So much so that when I got introduced to my colleagues on the floor at my new job, I requested them to tell me in “summary statistics” how many years of work experience they had, how far they lived from the office, which parts of India they came from, what their educational backgrounds looked like, and what they liked doing in their free time. We did laugh at the approach. But I got what I wanted. I got it at the appropriate aggregation level. However, did I miss anything? Yes. If nothing else, I missed the human touch. They were hardly ten in number. 

We model customer behaviour to predict whether customers will buy our products and services. I have often pondered how correct we are in converting customer behaviour into statistics. A behaviour resulting from an individual’s “local” mood and “global” personality, among many other factors such as upbringing, schooling and whatnot.  Was the customer quite upset with his boss at the office when he received your email to fill out the feedback survey form? How do we track that? Is the customer’s purchase behaviour so unpredictable that any degree of generalisation through an equation between features and target variables is insufficient to predict? Or do you end up making the model so generic that it loses its usefulness in action-ability? In B2B scenarios, too, it mostly boils down to individuals making the final decision. I have never seen any variables related to the customer’s mood or personality stored in an organisation’s databases. Honestly speaking, it’s not possible either to model customer behaviour completely. You bring me an ML model built with an exhaustive set of variables. I will tell you two more that you have missed. 

The best ways to deal with this lack of perfection in recommendations produced by ML models are 1) Ensure that recommendations are non-intrusive while respecting the years of experience the decision maker has, 2) Make the ML model as explainable as possible, and 3) Leave the final decision to be made by the decision maker.

I am not pessimistic about the potential of AIML to solve our problems. I look at the future with as much excitement as you do. I intend that we should know what we cannot make AIML do for us. I have been vocal about it during interactions with college students, too, on multiple occasions. Students often look at industry practitioners for the proper guidance and transparency of what works and what doesn’t. 

The question I am raising is – Is artificial intelligence making us too artificial? We even talk about developing synthetic respondents for surveys to get “customer” feedback on an organisation’s products, services, support, sales process and call center touch points. By doing this, we have effectively sent the customer (one in the flesh, blood, and with a personality) out of the loop and agreed that the survey design, survey response, analysis, insight generation, and recommendations would be instantaneous without human involvement. My only question is how accurate it is. Among my maze of thoughts, are two suggestions too that can help get the best out of synthetic respondents. One is to use synthetic respondents and real customer respondents in parallel for few months or quarters while comparing how much they match or differ from each other. The second is to always keep augmenting the real customer responses with synthetic ones and never let go of the advantages we get from real customer feedback.

As I have already said, I am immensely passionate about AIML. At the same time, I don’t have the habit of doing something just because my neighbour is doing it (except when I took the entrance exams for both engineering and medical, hoping one of them would work). Tell me about childhood dreams and them coming true!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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