COP28 Summit Live: Over 60,000 Delegates Expected To Attend Conference In Dubai



COP28 Summit Live: Hello and welcome to the live blog of ABP Live. Please follow this space for all the live and latest updates on the UN COP28 Climate Summit, taking place in Dubai.

Members, delegates and diplomats of 200 countries, representatives of various global organisations have reached Dubai to attend the United Nations COP28 Climate Summit to address various changes that mankind is facing at present. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also reached Dubai to attend the conference.

Meanwhile, the summit opened with a landmark agreement with delegates approving a climate disaster fund of around $400 million for counting going through the effects of climate change and are not able to tackle the same on their own.

In his Pre-COP opening speech, COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber called for unity, action and multilateralism. Addressing the 70 Ministers and over 100 country delegates present, Sultan was clear: the world needs to do more and seize the opportunity of COP28 to take action and keep 1.5 within reach, as per the COP28 official website.

Prime Minister Modi once again voiced the concerns of the global south in an interview to UAE newspaper, Al-Ittihad.

The Prime Minister called for ensuring that the development priorities of the Global South are not compromised. He said climate action must be based on equity, climate justice, shared obligations and shared capacities. 

“By adhering to these principles, we can forge a path toward a sustainable future that leaves no one behind. We must ensure that development priorities of the Global South are not compromised…I am happy that during the recent New Delhi G20 Summit, this aspect has been properly addressed, including through a recognition of the need to rapidly and substantially scale up investment and climate finance from billions to trillions of dollars globally from all sources,” the Prime Minister told the newspaper.


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