Congress contradiction: A word that means coming together has, sadly, come to mean its opposite in India



Congress means union, a coming together, or meeting.
In the US, Congress refers to the joint governmental body of the Senate and the House of Representatives, as established by the American Constitution of 1787.

Following the violent upheavals of the Napoleonic wars, in 1814-15, the Congress of Vienna, comprising Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia, France and Spain, got together under the leadership of the Austrian statesman Klemens von Metternich, to re-establish stability in a Europe riven by conflict.

In 1885, the Indian National Congress, INC, was founded and became the first nationalist movement in the British Empire, the inspiration for similar organisations elsewhere in Asia and in Africa.
Led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, and other freedom fighters, INC or, simply, Congress, won the country’s Independence and became the single unifying force in the new-born nation of 340 million citizens of diverse creeds, customs, and languages.

Spearheaded by Nehru’s Congress, India became the leading light of the Non-Aligned Movement, giving a dissenting voice against the assumed hegemony of the selfstyled First World, as largely represented by a not-so-avuncular Uncle Sam. Seventy-six years after Independence, Congress has – sadly, some would say tragically – become the biggest misnomer in the country’s political lexicon.
Once the Grand Old Party, GOP, which enfolded within its eclectic embrace all shades of ideological conviction, today Congress has turned into an oxymoronic parody, a contradiction in terms of its name.

From being ‘a congress’, a meeting of the like-minded, who shared ideals and aspirations, the party is in jeopardy of becoming a synonym for dissension, within its own ranks – as represented by the so-called ‘Old Guard’ and the not-so-young rebels in search of a cause – and in the larger context of the anti-BJP alliance named INDIA, which has been a non-starter, largely thanks to the Congress party’s seemingly innate inability to accept the give-and-take principle of unification.

Indeed, in that it seems to many, including not a few of its long-time supporters, to be bent on scuttling a cohesive opposition to BJP, Congress might well emerge, come 2024, as an unwitting helping Hand for the Lotus.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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