Confidence: Why we lose it and how to get it back


Confidence, that elusive quality we all crave, dances in and out of our lives like a fickle friend. One moment we’re feeling unstoppable, the next, riddled with self-doubt. It’s a normal ebb and flow, but understanding why we lose confidence and how to reclaim it can be empowering.

The Culprits: Where does confidence go missing?

  • Comparisonitis: Scrolling through curated online lives fuels the illusion that everyone else has it figured out, leaving us feeling inadequate.
  • Inner Critic: That nagging voice that amplifies flaws and mistakes, drowning out self-compassion.
  • Fear of Failure: The dreaded “what if” paralyzes us, preventing us from taking risks and learning from stumbles.
  • Perfectionism: Setting impossible standards leads to constant disappointment and erodes our sense of accomplishment.

Reclaiming the Stage: Steps to building confidence

  1. Acknowledge and Reframe: Recognize the negative thought patterns and challenge them with reality. Instead of “I’m not good enough,” try “I’m learning and growing.”
  2. Celebrate Small Wins: Track your progress, no matter how small. Each step forward, however seemingly insignificant, contributes to your overall journey.
  3. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer a friend. Forgive mistakes and focus on growth.
  4. Embrace Imperfection: Accept that mistakes are inevitable and valuable learning opportunities. Striving for perfection only sets you up for disappointment.
  5. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Challenge yourself with new experiences, even if they feel scary. This builds courage and resilience, key ingredients of confidence.
  6. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Seek out people who believe in you and lift you up, not drag you down.
  7. Focus on Your Strengths: Identify your talents and skills, and actively use them in your daily life. Recognizing your strengths fosters a sense of competence and accomplishment.
  8. Practice Gratitude: Take time to appreciate the good things in your life, big and small. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what you already have, boosting your mood and confidence.

Remember: Building confidence is a journey, not a destination. There will be setbacks, but each small step forward strengthens your inner belief. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and don’t be afraid to dance with confidence, even when it feels like it’s leading the steps.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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