
Ding dong. The door bell rings. 

I check it out. There is a man with a card and box of sweets.

“Hello ji. It is our son’s wedding next week. Please do come and bless the kids.”

“But we already have two invites for the same day. Why don’t you shift the marriage to some other day?” I blurted.

The guy really did not like my suggestion. “No ji. We got the bookings with difficulty because of the rush of marriage season. Marriage palaces, caterers, DJs and even pandit ji, all are so busy.”

It is some sort of planetary alignment that decides the auspicious periods for solemnizing the marriages. And since that alignment is bound to change, all the marriages have to take place during that favorable window. 

My house is so full of sweets that I don’t know what to do with them. This time I am trying a new way out, I am freezing them all. Will let you know how they taste after thawing, sometime next year. 

I started stacking the invitation cards in a sequence of coming events, but somehow, I managed to miss two events. Then I marked all the dates on the calendar. But for certain dates, all events could not be marked on the specific date box. My request to calendar designers, please consult all the learned men of God beforehand and make the date boxes larger during auspicious days. Or maybe someone can start a reminder call services on the phone and call me every day to remind me of the events of the day. 

Every day I went to the stationery shop to buy envelopes for shagun. Such visits to the shop were more frequent than those meant for buying refills and other academic stuff. The shopkeeper is a wise man. “Sir ji, it is marriage season, take the full pack.” He advised. That saved me many visits to the shop.

Remembering what I wore at the previous function and what to wear at the next is another challenge. More so for the ladies. So, another improvisation was to click the pic at every function and review it before the next function. I put all my shirts and coats in a sequence in the cupboard, to be taken out one by one every day, and to exhaust the full range before repeating. 

The routine gets so going, one day I got ready at 7 pm and went through the stacks of cards only to realise that there was no invitation for the day. I looked at the lady of the house. She was looking at me with a knowing smile. I had forgotten the taste of home cooked food. That night I was once again made aware of the realities of life and had non fried, non-spicy and no frills food. 

It is very nice to get married during the auspicious period. I am very sure the marriages must be more fruitful. But then we must have a survey done about the amount of quarrels in marriages solemnized during this period versus marriages solemnized out of this period. If auspicious period marriages are happier, let us ban the marriages during other periods. But I am sure results would be the same. 

Maternity home owners are happy people. They know the most likely months of deliveries. They schedule their vacations accordingly and are all set to cater to the expectant mothers. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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