Clock’s ticking: Battle for party symbols



Symbols are a party’s heartbeat. But parties don’t own symbols. Which is why it’s such a fierce battle when parties split – as in the ongoing Pawar vs Pawar battle

In the NCP vs NCP wrangle in Maharashtra, Supreme Court in an interim order on March 19 allowed Ajit Pawar the ‘clock’ as party symbol. SC also told Maharashtra’s deputy CM to advertise widely that the clock’s allotted to him sub judice – that means till court decides on the ‘main’ matter.

SC’s hearing NCP founder Sharad Pawar’s appeal against Election Commission allowing Ajit Pawar’s claim that his faction is the ‘original’ NCP. The clock is National Congress Party’s original symbol. After SC’s Tuesday order, Ajit Pawar can use party name ‘NCP’, and symbol ‘clock’, during campaigning and expectedly on the ballot, till matters are decided.

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