Climate-o-nomics & Inequality: Addressing the obvious



In 2020, as the world battled a calamity of biblical proportions, the World Bank published an ominous observation indicating that at least 130 million more people could be pushed into poverty by 2030 due to irreversible climate changes. Four years hence, the global economy finds itself locked in a spiral where the unabated pursuit of GDP growth using decades-old carbon-intensive models often justified as a tool of poverty eradication risks further destabilizing the climate dynamics with distinct economic fallout for communities. The fact is echoed by the ILO estimation of rising temperatures and increasing heat stress at work, eliminating 80 million full-time jobs and inflicting an economic loss to the tune of USD 2.4 trillion by the end of this decade.  

However, it’s heartening that this bleak outlook has served as an urgent waking call for steering an overdue economic transformation set to mainstream sustainability across sectors, drive green investments, create new jobs, and potentially uproot the embedded inequalities that underpinned the conventional economic regimes. The preamble to the 2023 G20 Summit, New Delhi, is the most recent reminder of this realization, acknowledging poverty eradication and climate action as dual and equal imperatives for all nations. The most dominant economies worldwide resolved to pursue approaches that weave together green economic models, innovative financial instruments, and a commitment to social equity to ensure that the transition to a sustainable future doesn’t leave millions behind.

Indeed, the exponential expansion of a green economy driven by circular business models, renewable energy, regenerative agriculture, ecosystem conservation, and liveable smart cities heralds a brighter future, especially for low-income and developing countries that have disproportionately borne the brunt of climate change at the human scale. Its momentum could also accelerate financial inclusion, allowing marginalized communities to access climate funding and reduce inequality gaps exacerbated by intensifying climate threats. For instance, BSDC’s Better Business, Better World report projected that sustainable and inclusive business models could generate up to 380 million new jobs and create economic opportunities worth at least USD 12 trillion annually across developing geographies. Such opportunities are innovative and multisectoral and have the capability to percolate at the grassroots, giving climate-o-nomics a flavour distinct from conventional economic models. 

While it’s been a few years since BSDC published its estimates, the predictions on the economically transformative impact of climatic-centric models hold true regardless. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, employment generation in the renewable energy sector has doubled in the past decade, with 2022 creating a million more such jobs than the previous year. The opportunity is not lost on developing countries like India, Brazil, and Kenya, which already dominate in access-driven categories like small-scale solar, micro-hydro and biofuels, which enhance incomes for rural communities, highlighting the viability of distributed clean energy models benefitting economically weaker sections. An exceptionally bright spot is India, which has embarked on ambitious poverty reduction and decarbonization targets, pushing up its installed renewable capacity by 128% since 2014. According to Francesco La Camera, director general of IRENA, such robust growth can entail the creation of nearly 3.5 million jobs in the country’s renewable energy sector within the next six years. 

On the supply chain and infrastructure aspects, while China has traditionally dominated the manufacturing and export of large-scale onshore and offshore wind turbines, solar panels, and lithium-ion batteries, a shift is witnessed in Africa, which at 39% has more renewable energy generation potential than any other continent. The change is characterized by a sentiment of localizing renewable energy hardware, components, and ancillary infrastructure value chains. The culmination of this thought process is the launch of the Africa Renewable Energy Manufacturing Initiative (AREMI) to drive USD 850 million in sustainable finance for African countries to scale up renewable energy manufacturing capabilities locally, creating 14 million new jobs and adding a boost of 6.4% in the continent’s GDP. Essentially, embracing clean energy, besides its obvious climatic implications, promises an employment bonanza that emerging economies must maximize. Notably, such green employment opportunities often remain localized, relying on small, distributed ownership structures, allowing wealth and opportunity creation to permeate the grassroots, reducing inequality over time.

Discussion on localization inevitably brings to the fore the question of circular business solutions promoting reduction, reuse, and recycling, especially across traditionally waste-intensive industries like Fashion, Packaging, Electronics and F&B. Its significance can be understood in the light of the fact that globally, the fashion industry produces 92 million tonnes of waste annually only 12% of which ends up being recycled. For such sectors, pursuing a closed-loop manufacturing approach can renew product utility, prevent the accumulation of wastes into landfills and create employment opportunities across the circular value chains. Adidas’s partnership with Parley for the Oceans, launched in 2015, is one such initiative to make sustainable fashion mainstream, defining an entire framework for collecting, processing, and upcycling plastic waste into high-end footwear before it can enter the oceans. Further, BMW Group and Volvo are among the pioneers in the automotive industry pursuing closed-loop manufacturing or a ‘Car-to-Car‘ approach, using a series of down-stream partners for recovering materials from old vehicles, providing regulatory compliance benefits while meeting consumer appetite for durability-focused models extending product lifecycles with lower replacement churn.

Similarly, the F&B sector is another such action front, with a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food waste ending up in landfills in 2023, contributing to 10% of the global GHG emissions. Here, creative food businesses like Finland’s carbon-neutral Restaurant Nolla are making a difference by eliminating conventional waste entirely through circular food flows, on-site urban farming, seasonal menus, and digital sourcing of unused stocks from local partners. Such hyperlocal models lower transportation miles while maximizing underused local harvest by redistributing surplus to build sustainability across the value chain, allowing smallholder communities facing climate risks to benefit directly from integration into the circular economy. 

However, citing that circular economic models can directly create around 7 to 8 million jobs worldwide, this joint study by ILO, S4YE and Circular Economy Foundation call for greater data transparency that can interpret both the volume and quality of employment being created in Global South and also covering minority groups like women, migrants and atypical workers.  

Finally, the expanding momentum behind carbon pricing through taxation or trading schemes adds vital economic levers steering countries and companies to cut emissions by applying market principles. However, targeted policy safeguards become essential here to ensure that a significant share of carbon tax revenues are used as rebates for vulnerable sections while dedicating remaining proceeds for climate adaptation funds or renewable energy investments, allowing for an inclusive transition without worsening inequality. Governments could also subsidize sustainable product alternatives, bridging cost premiums faced by weaker sections during early adoption lifecycles of technologies like green agricultural solutions critical for decarbonization.

Inclusive climate-o-nomic models tackling sustainability challenges holistically while centring on social equity and livelihood protection can steer green growth benefitting people and the planet over pure profit pursuits. Our present challenges underscore that unbridled economic growth risks breaching the planet’s ecological limits. A circular economic system provides a more agreeable alternative to extractive models that perpetuate inequality. Therefore, viewing sustainability through the lens of climate justice provides a credible transition path towards a more inclusive and balanced future. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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