Chinese fast expanding nuclear arsenal: Implications



Two reports were released this month on the development of the Chinese nuclear force- the Nuclear Notebook of 2024 by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and the report of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) entitled “Long-range Strike Capabilities in the Asia-Pacific: Implications for Regional Stability”. Earlier in October 2023, the Pentagon’s annual report to the US Congress on Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China was released. Though the FAS has noted reports on the flaws in China’s missile programme, including defects in missile silo lids, these reports point to a significant increase in the Chinese nuclear arsenal.

The FAS report concluded that in the last five years, China significantly expanded its ongoing nuclear modernisation programme by fielding more types and greater numbers of nuclear weapons than ever before. Important developments are given in subsequent paragraphs.

First, currently, China possesses 500 nuclear warheads. In 2023, the FAS and the IISS reported that China possessed 410 nuclear warheads. Thus, China added 90 nuclear warheads this year as compared to 60 nuclear warheads in the earlier year. Both reports assess that if China continues with this pace, it will have 1500 nuclear warheads by 2035. 

Second, China is now focusing on improving its long-range precision strike capabilities. China’s 2019 Defence White Paper stressed enhancing its credible and reliable capabilities of nuclear deterrence and counter-attack, strengthening intermediate and long-range precision strike forces. The PLA Rocket Force is considered as core strength of strategic deterrence. In China’s strategic concept, long-range precision strike capabilities are essential for ensuring regional and global deterrence. 

Third, there have been notable developments in the field of land-based long-range missiles. While it has liquid-fuel DF-5 ICBMs (range 13,000 km with a payload of 4,000 kg), it is developing new variants of ICBMs and advanced strategic delivery systems. China also has DF-41 missiles (range 15,000 km and can carry a payload of up to 2,500 kg), a fixed or mobile ICBM with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRV) capability. Each missile can carry up to three warheads. China appears to be considering additional launch options, including rail-mobile and silo-basing for DF-41.

China expanded its dual-capable DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile force, which replaced medium-range DF-21 for the nuclear role. DF-26 with a 4,000 km range is ‘neighbour specific’ i.e., capable of carrying nuclear or conventional warheads to the Western Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the South China Sea. 

China is developing a new missile, known as the DF-27 (CSS-X-24), which has a range between 5,000 and 8,000 kilometers. As this range is redundant for nuclear strike missions, it is likely to be used for conventional strike roles. According to the South China Morning Post, the DF-27 has been in service since 2019. 

There has been further progress in the development of the fractional orbital bombardment system (FOBS) and the hypersonic glide vehicle. By October 2023, China had tested each of these systems at least once. An operational FOB/HGV system would pose challenges for missile tracking and missile defense systems, as it could theoretically orbit around the Earth and release its maneuverable payload with little detection time.   

Fourth, China is also strengthening its sea-based delivery systems. The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has improved the range, speed, and accuracy of its weaponry, increased the quantity and survivability of associated launch platforms, and integrated multiple types of stand-off precision-strike capabilities onto various existing naval assets. China appears to have refitted its six Type-094 ballistic missile submarines with the longer-range JL-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that has a range of 9000 km. The PLAN is also trying to have a dedicated land-attack cruise missile (LACM) to improve its precision strike capabilities. The IISS report observes that the Chinese anti-surface sea warfare capabilities have improved. China’s latest anti-ship missile, the YJ-18A (CH-SS-N-13), is already deployed aboard various Chinese naval platforms, such as the Type 055 (Renhai-class) cruiser. 

Fifth, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is considerably enhancing its standoff capabilities by improving the range and payload of its bomber force through incremental upgrades, as well as by developing new delivery platforms and types of missiles. The upgraded H-6K Badger bomber has an extended range, achieved through the incorporation of more efficient engines, while the addition of extra pylons allows each aircraft to carry up to six CJ-20 LACMs. China is developing an air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) that might have nuclear capability. A new strategic bomber H-20 with 10,000 range is being developed.

Sixth, while China has sufficient fissile material to produce an additional 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2035, it is diversifying and expanding its capabilities to produce tritium and plutonium to enable it to produce more nuclear weapons. China intends to acquire significant stocks of plutonium by using its civilian reactors, including two commercial-sized CFR-600 sodium-cooled fast-breeder reactors that are currently under construction at Xiapu in Fujian province. Once both fast-breeder reactors come online, they could potentially produce large amounts of plutonium. 

The above developments have significant implications. While officially China maintains ‘no first use’ of nuclear weapons, the modernisation and expansion of nuclear forces could influence the Chinese nuclear strategy and declaratory policy. Chinese experts over the last two decades have been indicating that under three circumstances, China could first use nuclear weapons. First, if there is an all-out attack against the country by conventional forces; second, if China’s territory is to be recaptured from an adversary; and third, in case of an attack on the Chinese nuclear weapons through conventional means. The NFU’s non-applicability in areas belonging to China and co-mingling of conventional and nuclear systems introduce ambiguity in the Chinese nuclear doctrine. Besides, China could leverage its nuclear force for coercive purposes. India needs to keep the implications of these developments in its strategic calculus to take appropriate steps to further strengthen its deterrence when required. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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