China, Maldives Vow To Elevate Ties To ‘Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership’


New Delhi: Maldives and China have vowed to take their bilateral ties to the next level by creating a ‘Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership’ even as Malé said it will “oppose any statement or action that undermines China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”, according to a joint statement issued Thursday.

During his visit to China, which began on 8 January, Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu has sought to revamp the bilateral ties with China, something that he had vowed to do during his election campaign last year. This is President Muizzu’s first state visit, following his assumption of office on November 17, 2023. This is seen as a complete reversal of the ‘India First’ policy which his predecessor had followed.

“The two sides share the view that as changes of the world, our times and history unfold, the strategic significance of China-Maldives relations has become more prominent. The two sides agree to elevate China-Maldives relations to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, better leverage the political guidance of high-level engagement, expand practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields, strengthen collaboration on international and multilateral affairs, enhance the well-being of the two peoples, and work toward a China-Maldives community with a shared future,” said the joint statement.

Maldives also said it will continue to follow the One-China principle and Taiwan is an “an inalienable part of China’s territory.”

“The Maldives is firmly committed to the one-China principle, recognizing that there is but one China in the world, the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory,” the statement said.

It also said, “The Maldives opposes any statement or action that undermines China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, opposes all Taiwan independence separatist activities, and will not develop any form of official relations with Taiwan. The Maldives opposes external interference in China’s internal affairs under any pretext and supports all efforts made by China to achieve national reunification.”

Maldives To Partner With China On BRI, GSI, GCI

In an effort to strengthen their 52-years long diplomatic ties further, Maldives has decided to be a partner in some of China key initiatives that have been rolled out under President Xi Jinping’s regime such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Global Security Initiative (GSI) and Global Civilization Initiative (GCI).

“Under the strategic guidance of the leaders of both sides, China-Maldives relations have withstood the test of time and international changes, and maintained a sound momentum of development,” said the joint statement.

On Thursday, Muizzu held a bilateral meeting with Xi where both leaders decided to begin a “new chapter” in their bilateral relationship. During the delegation level talks both sides also signed 20 agreements, including an action plan on establishing a China-Maldives Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership from 2024 till 2028.

According to the joint statement, “The two sides agree to explore ways towards implementing the Global Security Initiative (GSI) in the efforts to deepen cooperation in law enforcement and jointly meet key challenges including those posed by traditional and non-traditional security challenges, to promote the development of bilateral relations and contribute to peace and stability at regional and global levels.”

The two sides agree to focus on pursuing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation in the efforts to better synergize their development strategies, fully implement the Global Development Initiative (GDI), and further enhance the level and quality of cooperation, and strengthen practical cooperation in green development, digital economy, blue economy and other fields, to achieve mutual benefits and common development, the joint statement said.

Both the countries have also decided to boost the free trade agreement signed between both the countries by increasing the export of fish products from Maldives to China.

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