China makes disproportionate claims in the Gulf of Tonkin 



China’s extension of its excessive claims to its periphery is nothing new. Simply put, this is China’s métier. It occupied Tibet, Uyghur, and then Eastern Ladakh. Then it turned its attention to the South China Sea. Its claim lines there keep changing. From 11 dash lines to 9 dash lines and to 10 dash lines. It is now claiming areas in those regions where settlements were made earlier through agreements. In this, it does not spare even its ally Russia. In late August, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources released its new “standard map,” which included not only Taiwan, but also parts of the maritime zones of the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It also included land that China disputes with India—and even some Russian territory. India’s Arunachal Pradesh and Eastern Ladakh were shown as Chinese territory. Surprisingly, the new map also includes the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River and identifies it as Chinese territory. This was settled earlier in 2008 by a treaty. 

Now China has declared new base points defining its territorial claims in the northern part of the Gulf of Tonkin, an area it shares with Vietnam. The announcement came through a statement published on the Chinese foreign ministry’s website earlier this month, outlining seven base points that, when connected, would establish a new baseline. The announcement is made pursuant to Article 15 of the Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone (25 February 1992). 

While the intention of China is not clear as to why it has indicated new seven points now, going by its past, it can be assessed that it is acting in accordance with its playbook. Its implications need to be assessed. This appears to be a strategic manoeuvre to bolster its position in ongoing disputes over maritime boundaries. 

While its disproportionate claims are not new in its periphery, they are in accordance with the “Chinese dream” projected to the domestic population. When seen against the backdrop of its economic problem, the timing suggests that it could be to divert the attention of the domestic population from the problems it is facing. 

Crucially, some of the seven points are situated far from the coast, reflecting that they are not in line with the UNCLOS. However, the baselines are important as the UNCLOS gives rights to coastal states based on the baselines in the adjoining areas under the territorial sea, Exclusive Economic Zone, and Continental Shelf.   

The present action is also against the agreement made with Vietnam in 2004. A new baseline can create problems for the Vietnamese fishermen and could obstruct legitimate Vietnamese activities. One of the consequences of this move is that there would be an expanded overlap between China’s exclusive economic zone and areas jointly used for fishing by Vietnam and China. This could further escalate tensions and disputes in the region. As these zones grant different jurisdictional rights to coastal states, affecting issues such as sovereignty, resource exploitation, and navigation rights, China after drawing the coastline, could assert its rights in the Gulf of Tonkin, thereby creating problems for Vietnam.   

China had enacted a new Coast Guard law earlier, which needs to be seen along with this development. The Coast Guard law was aimed at giving it more authority ‘to prevent infringement on China’s sovereignty and maritime rights.’ It gives the right to use force under Article 22: “When national sovereignty, sovereign rights, or jurisdiction is being illegally violated at sea by a foreign organization or individual, or is in imminent danger of illegal violation, a coast guard agency shall have the power to take all necessary measures including the use of weapons to stop the violation and eliminate the danger according to this Law and other applicable laws and regulations.” The law gives it the power to “take all necessary measures including the use of weapons” to stop not just an ongoing violation, but even an “imminent danger” of a violation. It specifically authorises such force in the case of ‘illegal production activities’ such as fishing only when a foreign ship enters the waters under the jurisdiction of China to illegally engage in production activities, refuses to obey an order to stop or refuses to accept boarding or inspection by other means, and the use of other measures is insufficient to stop the illegal act. This law was intended to justify its encroachment into the EEZs of other nations, aggressive actions against the vessels of other nations and the holding of threatening military exercises. Since the promulgation of this law, the Coast Guard has become more aggressive in the South China Sea.

While this issue concerns Vietnam, the larger intentions of China need to be kept in view by the International Community. China has stated that these would not have any impact on Vietnam, one would be naïve to accept this statement from China. China is gradually extending its claim areas, which are not only disproportionate but also against the UNCLOS. China had rejected the PCA Ruling of 2016. Such acts will continue to enhance tension in the region, which is critical to trade for several nations. Rinsing tension in this region cannot bring peace to the Indo-Pacific. It is time that China should be pressured to abide by international law.                      




Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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