Challenging the infant intelligence spectacle



We Indians are infinitely sensitive about two things- religion and children. You dare not say anything about my religion and you dare not ignore my children. If you are a guest in my house, your entire focus should be on my child and his extraordinary achievements, even though they may be nothing but ordinary. And if my child happens to be a toddler or an infant, then you must be extra cautious about his/her antics which you might miss in the blink of an eye.

When you grace the hallowed grounds of a household with a tiny human, prepare yourself for the obligatory infant adulation ceremony. Forget about greeting the adults; it’s all about the sanctum sanctorum of the little one’s realm. Make sure to shower tributes upon the baby, because we all know that a guest’s true purpose is to become a self-appointed infant intelligence expert. It’s not about casual compliments; no, it’s an art form to tactfully comment on the subtle brilliance of an individual who has just mastered the art of drooling.

Behold the proud parents, the heralds of the latest infant genius! Prepare yourself for the riveting spectacle as they unveil the prodigious talents of their little maestro. Brace for impact as they enthusiastically command their tiny scholar to reveal the location of everyday objects in what can only be described as a ground-breaking interrogation session.

“Tell uncle where the fan is!” they exclaim as if the fate of the household’s climate control system hangs in the balance. And let’s not forget the intellectual masterpiece that follows, “Where is light?” A question so profound it could rival the most complex philosophical inquiries of our time.

Oh, and the pièce de résistance– the quest to uncover the whereabouts of the elusive Papa, a feat requiring the utmost concentration to capture the subtle nuances of the child’s eye movements. Blink and you might miss the groundbreaking discovery that Papa is, indeed, in the same place he was the last time they asked.

In this riveting game of “Toddler’s Treasure Hunt,” every eye twitch is a revelation, every random gaze a stroke of genius. Don’t you dare underestimate the sheer brilliance unfolding before you; you might just witness the grandest discovery of the century– or at least until the next round of “Where is Teddy?” begins.

Well, if you think this is enough, wait for this. If the host’s child happens to study in a kindergarten, you will be subjected to every nursery rhyme that the little genius bears in his repertoire. Starting from the morning assembly hymn to the latest Bollywood lyrics, you have to pose as the rapt audience to every syllable that falls out of that gummy little mouth. The cherub’s podgy little legs will next wobble to the latest groovy numbers for the incessant pleasure of the spectators. The workbooks and the drawing books will be laid before your scrutinising eyes, which you must at all costs not only admire but also marvel at, at suitable intervals with emphatic ‘OOHS!’ and ‘AAHS!’

Recently, we had some guests at our house. The young couple was blessed with two children. The proud mother, with an air of utmost seriousness, decreed that their little one possessed the comedic prowess to rival stand-up legends. As I barely managed to inch my way towards the kitchen, attempting a feeble escape, the parental stand-up routine began. I was bombarded with age-old jokes one after the other by the child diligently prompted by the mother,  till my jaw reached breaking point while putting on an interminable smile.

Believe me when I say that I love children and their funny frolics. It’s genuinely heart-warming to witness the joyful and playful antics of children, which I deeply appreciate. Nevertheless, the excessive enthusiasm displayed by some parents can at times be overwhelming and challenging to navigate. So, warn me if you have a toddler, an infant or a kindergartener before inviting me over to your place!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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