Central government public sector companies



Three Budget Revenue streams that the Central Government could optimize for the objective of increased spendings on defence, social welfare activities, infrastructure creation and space exploration are:

  • A more equitable Income Tax Law such that the Income Tax level of Taxable Income is significantly raised but taxability does not exclude any class of Indians (agriculture income).  This matter has been discussed in earlier blogs and I do not wish to raise this matter at present.  Our direct tax collection for individuals is on a very thin base and will plateau in future;
  • Improved collection of Indirect Tax (GST, VAT, etc).  In my view, there is scope for significant improvement assisted by the formalization of greater parts of the Indian economy. There have to be ways found to plug this tax leakage without being overbearing on the business entity or individual concerned. Business cannot be run on the premise of tax avoidance / evasion;
  • The third area of Revenue accretion to the Central Government is Returns from Central Public Sector Companies / Units.  

We need to understand that India’s Public Sector has a big Role to play in our Industrial Development and GDP growth.  Trends over the past several years have shown that Indian Private sector entities (largely promoter family driven) are not having the Risk appetite for large investments in old and new generation enterprises.  They would rather follow the path laid out by Public Sector Spendings.  We need to recognize that India Private sector has low Risk appetite when it comes to funding large enterprise capex spendings.

The questions that are coming to mind on Central Public Sector Enterprises are:

  1. What is the total investment of the Central Government in these enterprises?  By investments I mean tangible investments in terms of Share Capital and loans and advances.  
  2. Is it possible to split up these investments into Ministries – since public sector units report into Ministries?
  3. As compared to the total investments by the Central Government into these entities can we sum up the dividends received from these enterprises.  We can then understand the dividend yield of these enterprises per the Ministry they report to.

We can be reasonably sure that the dividend yields across Ministries will be quite disappointing.  This means that we are not realizing full value from tax payer money spent.  The public sector enterprises play an important Role in employment generation and in developing the hinterland where the private sector may not always be willing to go to.  They also provide employment in ancillary support industries.

These are worthy strong points of the Public sector.  However, the country has to invest it’s scarce resources into the most profitable and worthy avenues to get adequate Returns.  

A key pillar of Central Government resource mobilization is Public sector returns by way of dividends.  Are the Returns to the Central Government adequate compared to the amount of Investments made?  Have we in India been too focused on divestment of enterprises with commensurate political damage and multiple views on the benefits thereof.  There is always the political spinoff of accusations of business under-valuation and political – business ‘friendship’ deals. 

As a measure of Budget inflows, can Central Ministries be set targets of Performance levels and expectations of yields from dividends.  In the public glare, we are always talking of dividends from Reserve Bank of India and Oil Refining & Marketing Companies.

If we want to exploit the benefits of Public sector units to the maximum, we need to move them from being 100% Government owned to being listed entities on stock exchanges. Listed entities need to have their disclosures norms and the entities become visible in public domain.  Visibility brings Operational Responsibility and Efficiency.  We have the recent example of LIC of India, which post-listing has had to undergo an internal metamorphosis to improve performance and see a different way it conducts it’s business. 

The way to the central public sector undertakings improving their operational performance may lie in them being listed and valued by capital markets. There is a need to create a senior Executives Remuneration structure for public sector undertakings where based on defined Performance Criteria and Enterprise Valuation – linked with Market Valuation wherever possible, senior decision making management team gets Performance Bonuses.  

India MUST evolve a new way of handling it’s Central Government Undertakings including the presence of a management cadre trained in various aspects of Government and Commercial / Financial expectations and Procedures.

There is reason to believe that India has not adequately milked it’s Tax and Commercial Income Revenue sources.  Improvement in these will facilitate increased Budget Revenues with great scope for beneficial spendings (for which funding is available). India has great scope to increase Revenues.  It needs a fresh start and different thinking along with clear objectives being defined.  We must not get pessimistic.  There is scope for great optimism.

We must not forget that Central public sector Undertakings have an important Role to play in accretion to Government Revenues. They need to be managed and oriented better by changing the environment that they are operating in.  They need to be made operative in a demanding business environment where their Performance is monitored and evaluated.

The focus that we are today putting on success of ‘Divestment’ needs to change to success of ‘management approach’.  That will yield better results and help India on Budget Revenues thru Dividends Returns.




Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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