
As decarbonization becomes the rallying cry for the global climate agenda to save the planet on a collision course with Nature, carbon steadily transforms from an overlooked environmental externality into a measurable impact currency carrying tangible economic value and consequences.

Today, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by countries and corporations have become the unified global metric to measure the commitment of entities to the climate cause. Several jurisdictions around the world have embraced various carbon pricing mechanisms like carbon taxes or cap-and-trade. In fact, according to UNFCC, currently 40 national and 25 sub-national jurisdictions already have such frameworks covering 15% of the global GHG emissions. The World Bank predicts that the success of carbon pricing can reduce the cost of climate change mitigation by 32% by 2030.

Undeniably, carbon is emerging into a consequential neo-currency with the power to make or break economic competitiveness in a world where both corporations and communities are at risk of disruption by climate extremes.

The fundamentals of carbon pricing hinge on the premise that anthropogenic carbon emissions can neither continue unmeasured nor without defined financial ramifications proportional to environmental damage. Setting a permissible threshold and levying a fee per ton of CO2 released, carbon pricing systems are meant to act as a deterrent, involving financial implications for high-emitters, thereby setting a meaningful case for them to embrace low-carbon technologies. Traditionally, carbon pricing mechanisms have been enforced as carbon taxation, directly putting a fixed price on emissions and a cap-and-trade system that sets an upper limit on permissible emissions and allows emitters to purchase carbon permits for every ton of emissions covered under the cap, which can be traded on carbon markets.

However, to broaden the carbon pricing net and considering the shifting economic dynamics, new frameworks like carbon tariffs are currently emerging that require both importers and domestic producers to pay the same price for carbon-intensive imports, nullifying the cost advantage of offshore procurement that was available earlier. Notably, the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is the world’s first carbon tariff system that came into effect in October 2023 and will be operational from 2026.

As the criticality of net-zero emission and sustainable development increasingly grab the centre stage in policy discourses across the legislatures worldwide, carbon pricing systems deliver tangible financial control on the modalities and quantum of carbon emission at their source. Integrating climate costs into economic decision-making also helps redirect financial flows towards sustainable infrastructure or green subsidy programs, balancing progress on environmental priority with chasing lucrative short-term business returns. As the UNSDG and net-emission deadlines of respectively 2030 and 2050, draw close, this report by PWC observes that several nations globally, including progressive economies like Canada, Denmark and Netherlands, are hiking their carbon prices. The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is set to curtail emission allowances with the possibility of carbon price hikes. Further, at least 35 countries worldwide, including dominant economies like India, Brazil, and Indonesia, have carbon pricing mechanisms on the anvil. In fact, India already has a series of implicit carbon taxation systems in place, like coal cess and Perform Achieve Trade schemes.

However, while carbon pricing expansion reflects a willingness for market-driven climate action, the landscape remains complex and fragmented. EY designates it as a system dominated by brokers and over-the-counter trade (OTC). Further, regional variability in schemes makes costing difficult, and inconsistencies in permit allocation make regulation an uphill climb. Carbon leakage risks also remain wherein high emitting industries simply relocate to jurisdictions with weaker climate policies, exporting the emissions overseas rather than net reduction. This probe by PRI indicates that multinational corporations pollute more while relocating operations to jurisdictions with more pliable environmental policies, like Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia and Suriname, which have the highest direct import of CO2 emissions relative to their GDP. These limitations reemphasize the need for greater global coordination and cohesive standards around carbon pricing to prevent shifting high-emissions industries between geographies. Nonetheless, carbon pricing remains the most robust manifestation of the intent of putting actual costs on emissions and steering economic activities firmly towards decarbonization in line with environmental priorities.

Fortunately, global momentum on transparent emissions disclosure and carbon accounting has also intensified through sustainability reporting frameworks like CDP or the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, which provide comprehensive guidance to companies and cities to measure and disclose environmental data, particularly greenhouse gas emissions. In the face of rising stakeholder demand for transparency, such platforms enable organizations to track direct and indirect emissions, set climate science-based targets, and compare progress towards decarbonization commitments against peers. The benefits of such frameworks are not lost, and the outcomes are encouraging! For instance, in 2022, CDP reported a 40% uptick in environmental disclosures by Indian businesses in response to investor demands. The development aligns with the global trend as Reuters reported investors, including Europe’s biggest asset manager Amundi, imploring over 10,000 companies to submit their environmental performance data to CDP.

Such developments are the right step towards a future where the economic consequences of climate change are no longer speculative, making decarbonization a strategic necessity rather than an option. Carbon and its modalities, interpreted with a robust quantification and pricing landscape as the motif, is at the centre of this transformation as the definitive indicator denoting climate impact and steering collective action.

Unsurprisingly, across financial markets, dynamically responding to carbon prices and climate policy risks is already emerging among principal indicators driving infrastructure financing, capital allocation, and portfolio management. The World Bank warns that infrastructure investments that fail to factor in climate risks will inevitably incur huge additional overheads soon to retrofit projects, retire assets, and build resilience. For governments looking to reconcile economic priorities and climate financing needs, carbon pricing provides a strategic policy tool that aligns cross-border pricing disparities, allowing progressive escalation aligned to science-based targets while preventing regulatory arbitrage or competitiveness erosion. Also, export guarantee agencies and trade bodies could integrate shadow carbon pricing in lending decisions and trade agreements. However, considering that the future is marked by uncertainties, Central banks and regulators must constantly climate stress test vulnerable sectors to ensure the stability and inclusiveness of the carbon pricing regimes and drive disclosure with equity.

Evaluating every economic activity through a climate lens and verifying its alignment with the net-zero equation is an idea whose time has come. Considering carbon at the heart of this reprioritization is not an overstatement, acting as a distinctive indicator for quantifying climate impact. Its adoption as the definitive neo-currency powering climate action might be gradual, but it remains pivotal, nonetheless.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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