
At times, incidents of no significance leave a significant impact. Below is one such incident.

It was July’2016. Our family of four were geared up for the Singapore trip. It was our first flight ever whether domestic or international. Flight was early morning through Indigo via Delhi.

On reaching Airport, we were directed to the luggage counter. Since everything was raw and new, I had to ask at various enquiry points, just in case, I falter. Finally, as we reached the luggage counter, a smiling lady greeted me with a warm smile. She weighed the bags, checked our travel documents and handed over four attractive visiting cards.

Being not familiar with those cards, I politely enquired their purpose. She said…Sir..this is your boarding pass. You would require it at every counter here onwards.

I kept mine and handed the three boarding passes to my daughter who tucked them into her sling bag. At the security check counter, we removed our belts, purses and after the mandatory check, I retained my boarding pass with me while the rest of three were put again in the same sling bag.

When we went to collect our handbags which by now had gone through the scanner, we were directed to a security officer. At that counter, one of our bags was opened and a lens cleaning liquid was pulled out. The security officer politely said, that it is not allowed in the flight. When we persisted, he gave us an option.

‘Mr Singh…You can put this liquid bottle in your baggage at the luggage counter. Go immediately and rush back.

In a great haste, my wife pulled out a bag, shoved that liquid bottle into it and handed it to me. I rushed to the luggage counter. The ever smiling lady who we met earlier was busy attending the passengers. I requested her to please recall my luggage and put this small bag in it. She was a bit exasperated but was gracious enough to accept my request. As the mission was accomplished I reached back to be amongst my family little realizing what was about to follow.

With still fifty minutes to go, we reached the boarding gate to catch our flight. We sat in the waiting lounge and started enjoying chicken sandwiches. With headphones plugged in my ears and savouring every bite of those yummy sandwiches, I just pulled out my boarding pass and requested my family to keep their boarding passes ready.

As my wife frantically searched, she recollected her blunder.

‘Oh my goodness, I have put the liquid bottle in the same sling bag which carried boarding passes’…she blurted out.

How could you ? I exclaimed indignantly.

It was the same sling bag which I had dropped at the luggage counter so that the lens liquid stays safe and sound.

Without wasting a second, I rushed to the flight staff standing at the boarding gate and made them aware of the peculiar situation. They directed me to security staff who warned me that if I don’t get boarding passes we shall not be allowed to board the flight. I was directed by them to the baggage counter again where the same smiling lady greeted me with a sarcastic smile…Yes Mr Singh…You again ?

I replied…Yes maam, again. Please save me from this situation?

As I explained the flip flop, she inquired inquisitively…Mr Singh…you look quite mature?
Ma’am I only look mature but am in fact an amateur ( couldn’t resist my word play despite being stuck). This is my first foreign tour. Please help me out.

She was gracious enough to cooperate. In the next twenty minutes, my luggage arrived, I searched out that sling bag, pulled out boarding passes, delivered my luggage back, thanked her profusely and rushed back.

Midway as I was sprinting like a world champion with my heavy frame, my foot slipped and I landed on the floor with a huge thud. As the crowd gathered around, I got up with an aching back, and recalling that idiom–Dard ke aage jeet hai—sprinted again, though limping badly, till I finally reached my family after the security check.

Phew! We were the last ones to board the flight. As we settled on our seats and recalled that boarding pass faux pas, my wife in a caring tone asked… How is your back ?

I smiled in pain and replied..…Don’t worry Senorita…Bade Bade Deshon main…aisi choti choti baataein hoti rehti hain. She blushed. I was crushed. Aur  Pyaar ho gaya !

P.S : In flight of love, smile is the only boarding pass.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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