Bank Tech Wave 5: Navigating The Future With AI Application For Financial Services



By Ramanan SV

In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be overstated. As we delve into the intricacies of the financial sector in 2024 and beyond, it’s imperative to recognise the transformative power of AI and its profound implications for the industry.

Banks and Financial Institutions on the Transformation Journey

In today’s digital era, banks and financial institutions are embarking on a transformative journey driven by AI and trusted data sources. The vision of becoming Cognitive Enterprises is not just a distant dream but a tangible reality on the horizon. However, achieving this vision demands a cultural shift across all organisational levels. AI has the potential to revolutionise banking by enhancing efficiency, precision, and decision-making. However, navigating the path of adoption requires clarity and a steadfast commitment to the destination.

The Bank Tech Wave 5: Shaping the Landscape

We find ourselves at the forefront of what we term the Bank Tech Wave 5, where AI emerges as a pivotal force shaping the financial services industry. However, before diving headlong into this transformative wave, it’s essential to pause and reflect on critical questions that will define the AI agenda for the BFSI sector. Understanding our current position on the AI journey sets the stage for strategic decision-making. Situational analysis (SA) provides invaluable insights into our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, guiding us towards our desired future state.

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Charting the Course: Where Could We Be?

The breadth of AI applications is vast, presenting us with a myriad of choices. Therefore, precision in decision-making is paramount. AI is not merely a destination but a continuous journey, requiring judicious handling akin to change management tools. The level of AI adoption, its transformative potential, and the challenges surrounding integration have become focal points. Ai is not just a tool that can be plugged in and will be ready for use. It is in essence, a restructuring of old formats and adopting new processes. 

Navigating the Future for Success

In India, the financial services sector leads the charge in embracing AI, leveraging its power to drive innovation, optimise decision-making, and streamline operations. As we chart our course into the future, several guiding principles emerge. Organisations need to shift from just leveraging AI capabilities to becoming an AI-centric organisations, addressing the Why, What, and how effectively. Identifying use cases that impact business operations and exploring the full spectrum of AI offerings is crucial. 

The financial services industry needs to foster strategic alignment across the organisation and promote agility. Collaboration between business and technology leaders is essential in identifying and capitalising on opportunities to derive value for all stakeholders through AI technologies.

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Regulators such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) recognise the transformative potential of AI and have introduced guidelines for responsible AI adoption. As AI becomes more embedded in the financial fabric, there is increased emphasis on transparency, accountability, and fairness in algorithmic decision-making processes. The rapid pace of AI integration calls for a strategic approach to ensure a safe, financial eco-system – 

  • Empowering the Workforce through Upskilling: The dynamic landscape of employment, influenced by the rise of AI, underscores the necessity for concerted efforts in upskilling the workforce. A recent report from the McKinsey Global Institute reveals that in advanced economies with relatively high wage levels, such as France, Japan, and the United States, automation could displace 20 to 25 per cent of the workforce by 2030, in a midpoint adoption scenario, more than double the rate in India. Collaborative initiatives involving governmental bodies, educational institutions, and private enterprises are indispensable in equipping the workforce with the requisite skills for navigating the future.
  • Cultivating Innovation Ecosystems: The creation of innovation hubs and regulatory sandboxes offers a nurturing environment for the testing and implementation of AI solutions. Through initiatives like the RBI’s regulatory sandbox, startups and financial institutions gain the opportunity to experiment with innovative technologies within a controlled regulatory framework. This cultivates a culture of innovation and facilitates the identification of viable AI solutions for scalability and broader adoption.
  • Ethical and Responsible Governance of AI: The establishment of clear guidelines and frameworks for the responsible governance of AI is paramount. Transparency, explainability, and fairness serve as foundational principles in this regard. A comprehensive approach to AI ethics not only fulfils regulatory obligations but also fosters trust among customers and stakeholders, thereby ensuring sustainable growth.
  • Prioritising Customer-Centric AI Applications: The future of AI in financial services revolves around enhancing customer experiences. AI-powered chatbots, personalised financial advice, and intuitive user interfaces emerge as pivotal components in this endeavour. The adaptation of AI applications to address specific customer pain points and preferences emerges as a key differentiator for financial institutions, positioning them at the forefront of customer-centric innovation.
  • Establishing Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms: Continuous monitoring and evaluation frameworks are indispensable for assessing the effectiveness of AI applications. Financial institutions are urged to establish robust frameworks for evaluating the impact of AI on key performance indicators, customer satisfaction levels, and risk management protocols. Regular evaluations ensure that AI applications remain aligned with strategic objectives and deliver tangible benefits, thereby facilitating informed decision-making and sustainable growth.

The impact of AI on financial services is undeniable. However, success in this journey requires a strategic approach and a steadfast commitment to building the necessary technological foundations and processes. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, the future is ripe with opportunities for those willing to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of AI in financial services.

(The author is the CEO, India & South Asia at Intellect Design Arena)

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