Ayurveda Has Something Designed By God Himself: Acharya Manish At Ideas Of India 3.0



Ideas Of India 3.0: Motivational speaker and Ayurveda expert Acharya Manish addressed the third edition of ABP Network’s Ideas of India Summit as he shared his insights on ‘The Power of Transformation: How to Heal and Cure’. He advocated for Ayurveda’s holistic approach to health, stating, “Ayurveda is something that has been designed by God himself”. Ayurveda, he said, is based on the principle of ‘Swasthasthya Swaasthya Rachna’, which emphasises prevention before cure.

Highlighting the challenges faced by modern medicine, he criticised its commercialisation, saying: “Modern ‘pathy’ is very nice, but it is in the hands of drug mafias, making it less effective.” 

Acharya Manish then showcased the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatments through examples, including Akshaytarpan for eye ailments and various methods for joint issues like knee, back, or spine problems. He also shared a testimony of a patient who, after undergoing Ayurvedic treatment, transitioned from being wheelchair-bound to walking independently.

Health Tips Shared By Acharya Manish

  • Sit in ‘Malaasan’ and drink a glass of warm water every morning. 
  • Stop taking any meals after sunset.
  • Never drink water while eating.
  • While sleeping, make sure your head is either towards the east or south direction.
  • Never eat anything when you are in a bad mood, angry or anxious.

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Acharya Manish is known as an ingenious practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine. Drawing from his own experiences, wisdom, intensive research, and devotion, he has worked on concocting some of the best holistic Ayurveda treatments for various ailments and diseases. In addition, he talks to people about the Ayurvedic art of detoxification, purification, recuperation, and rejuvenation and believes that the Vedic way of living, and the Ayurvedic way of healing help nourish and condition the sthool as well as sukshma aspects of our ‘self’.

Ideas Of India Summit

ABP Network’s third Ideas Of India Summit is taking place in Mumbai on February 23 and 24. The summit aims to serve as a pivotal platform for comprehensive deliberations on ‘The People’s Agenda’ in the lead-up to the very significant general elections in the world’s largest democracy. Renowned luminaries representing diverse sectors will convene to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of India’s socio-political landscape, reflecting the ethos of ABP Network’s flagship initiative to foster nuanced discourse on Indian society and governance.

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