Are individual Mediclaim (Hospitalisation) insurance policies really beneficial to the Policy Holder?



My mind goes back several years, when under the Income Tax Head of Salary Income, reimbursement of medical expenses upto some amount say Rs 20,000 per annum (against medical bills) was Income tax free. The consequence of that often was that when you or your dependant person (aged parents, spouse, children) walked into a doctor clinic, it would be discretely inquired whether there was a medical expense reimbursement scheme. I am reasonably sure that when we stated in the affirmative, the doctor’s fees and medicines costs would be higher.  Corporate HR Departments built this into their structure of salary payable.  Then the Rules changed and there was an immense change in computation of Salary Income and this exemption was deleted.  The tax free Income disappeared, the higher medical costs of Doctors Fees and medicines given remained!

In this article, I am not talking of Corporate Group Mediclaim policies that companies take up to cover their employees for medical hospitalization costs reimbursement. That is a matter of negotiation between the Corporate and the Insurance Company based on Type of Cover, Hospital Room and Doctors Fees payable as per Employees grades etc. I am talking of about Personal Hospitalization policies that many of us take out for our families Hospitalization expenses.

These individual Hospitalization Policies have the disadvantage of not having collective bargaining backing them up.  Whether it is Room Rentals, costs of medicines, diagnostic tests, doctors’ fees, etc – there was no pressure from the Consumer side on Costs Management.  With poor Hospitals coverage compared to the needs of the Population, neither Hospitals nor Insurance Companies have felt the need to take a look at Hospital Costs to benefit the Consumer (Policy Holder).

India has a long way to go so medical costs of people who are on constant medication like blood pressure, diabetes, etc can become members of an authorized & approved medical group thru which the medication and tests that they require are available at competitive pricing.  Similar is the situation on Hospitalization costs.  All of us are aware of the costs of Corporate Hospitals and sometimes their very sharp business practices.  Doctors are drawn to Corporate Hospitals for significantly improved earnings and Government and Charity Trust Hospitals are not getting the best medical practitioners on their Doctors lists.

The Corporate Hospitals have brought in the concept of Profit motive into Hospitals activity and we are seeing the extensive damage that is wrought by this in Hospitals Billings and in the fact that Hospital activity has become a Business Activity with Mergers & Acquisitions and Closures, etc.  The scope for the individual Hospitalization Policy Holder to control Hospital stay costs or Hospitalization Policy premium costs is absolutely minimal.  The only saving grace is competition between insurers for this business segment which may control the premiums charged. 

I am reasonably sure that if one takes the annual premiums paid for a reasonable value Hospitalization policy over a period of 15-20 years, the expenses received as reimbursement for an actual Hospitalization event are not proportionate. In fact, many of these policies are restrictive in the amounts paid for an operation (say cataract). The actual amount reimbursed and the amount spent are not proportionate to each other.

There are also some restrictions in some policies on reimbursements of doctors fees, room charges, diagnostic tests etc. It is my opinion that an earning individual instead of taking out a personal Hospitalization policy should deposit the amount in a special bank deposit account and allow the accumulation of interest and annual premium payments into that account.  Over a period of 10-15 years, a reasonable corpus for an Hospitalization emergency would get created. In a large proportion of individuals, this would work in their favour for specific event Hospitalization of a few days.

These policies have annual renewal and often you have no Hospitalization claims for several years but the year there is an emergency, one comes up to the restriction of maximum cover under the Policy.  Also, renewals of Policies with high Claims becomes a separate matter.

It is also definite that these Insurance Policies are giving Corporate Hospitals (mainly) the possibility of increasing room rentals and Diagnostic Fees charges and professional doctor specialists are also emboldened to raise their health care Fees.  In India, health care hospitalization insurance has not benefited the Policy Holder because they are individual policies and not Central Authority Group Policies where pricing can get negotiated.

Another disadvantage of these individual Hospitalization policies is that those who don’t have a hospitalization cover or a very low Hospital insurance cover are socked with high additional costs of treatment.

The individual Hospitalization Policy Holder has to take an educated view on whether his taking out a Policy is beneficial to him or he can do a self accumulation of funds as suggested above and meet his emergency needs from there.  

The above is assuming that Hospitalization is not a long drawn matter and is for meeting a specific event and after a few days stay, the patient goes home.  Extended hospitalization care and costs are a matter that can impact all families financially.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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