April Fool’s Day 2024: Origin, History, and Pranks to Try on Family, Friends and Colleagues! – News18



Published By: Nibandh Vinod

Last Updated: April 01, 2024, 06:00 IST

April Fools’ Day is celebrated on April 1st every year. (Images: Shutterstock)

April Fools’ Day is celebrated on April 1st every year. (Images: Shutterstock)

April Fools’ Day is all about sharing laughter and fun with your friends and family.

April Fool’s Day, observed annually on April 1st, provides an opportunity to inject excitement into our daily lives. It is a time-honoured tradition that allows people to engage in harmless fun and laughter. While its exact origins are uncertain, this tradition has persisted across various cultures throughout history. This day serves as a lighthearted occasion for friends, family and colleagues to share jokes, tricks, and practical pranks.

5 Harmless April Fool’s Day Pranks You Can Play On Your Colleagues

  1. Office Supply SwapSwitch the contents of your colleague’s desk drawers with items from another colleague’s desk. For example, swap pens, notebooks, or staplers. It’ll create some confusion when they go to grab their usual supplies.
  2. Fake MemoDraft a fake memo from HR or management announcing something outlandish or amusing, like a new dress code policy requiring everyone to wear clown noses on Fridays. Be sure to make it look official but add a subtle clue that it’s a prank, so no one takes it too seriously.
  3. Desktop Screensaver SurpriseChange your colleague’s desktop screensaver to something unexpected or funny. You could use a photo of their favorite celebrity, a cute animal, or a meme. Just make sure it’s appropriate for the workplace.
  4. Invisible Tape MousePlace a small piece of clear tape over the sensor on the bottom of your colleague’s computer mouse. It will cause the mouse to malfunction, leading to some confusion as they try to figure out why it’s not working properly.
  5. Coffee Cup SwitcherooSwap your colleague’s usual coffee mug with a ridiculous or oversized one. Bonus points if you can find one with a funny slogan or design. They’ll be surprised when they go to grab their morning coffee and find something unexpected waiting for them.

April Fools’ Day 2024: Hilarious Pranks for Family and Friends

  1. Create a surprising moment by placing a layer of bubble wrap under a rug. When someone steps on the rug, they’ll be startled by the unexpected noise of popping bubbles.
  2. Place fake spills or messes in common areas using materials like ketchup, mustard or paint. Your family or friends will be startled until they realize it’s a prank.
  3. Swap labels on household items, such as sugar and salt containers, to create confusion during cooking or morning routines.
  4. Cover the sensor on the TV remote with a small piece of tape, rendering it temporarily non-functional. Watch as your victim struggles to get the remote to work.
  5. Rearrange the keys on a computer keyboard to spell out a funny message or simply mix them up for a frustrating but harmless prank.
  6. Surprise your partner with a playful prank before bedtime. Slip a few balloons into their pillowcase and hold back your laughter as they discover the unexpected surprise when they lay their head down for the night
  7. Place a realistic-looking fake insect inside a lampshade. When the lamp is turned on, it will cast a creepy shadow, frightening someone suddenly.
  8. If your partner enjoys their morning tea, add a pinch of salt to it for a surprising twist. While it might catch them off guard initially, use the opportunity to remind them with a smile that it’s all in good fun for April 1st.
  9. Remember to keep your pranks lighthearted and harmless, ensuring that they don’t cause any real harm to your loved ones. It’s all about sharing fun on April Fool’s Day.

April Fool’s Day 2024: Origin And History

One theory traces the origins of April Fool’s Day back to the Roman festival of Hilaria, a jubilant celebration dedicated to the goddess Cybele and the god Attis. During this multi-day festival, participants engaged in various lively activities, including wearing costumes and playing pranks on each other.

In addition, April 1st falls near the vernal equinox, which signals the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Like other solstices and equinoxes, these dates were historically important markers of seasonal transitions. The emergence of April Fool’s Day may have been influenced by this connection, as it coincides with the onset of spring, a time associated with renewal and revitalization.

A third theory suggests that the transition from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar played a role in the development of April Fool’s Day. During the 16th century, numerous countries, such as France, shifted from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, changing the start of the new year from April 1st to January 1st.

However, not everyone promptly embraced this change. Those individuals unaware of the calendar change or those who adhered to the old system became the subjects of ridicule and jest on April 1st.


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