America’s empire is digital & dangerous: But US risks backlash as it weaponises the internet



We live in a digital global economy, but who controls its wiring and plumbing? Underground Empire: How America Weaponised the World Economy by Henry Farrelland Abraham Newman shows how American power travels along fibre-optic cables, server farms, internet and financial infrastructure, intellectual property, and technological expertise. But, as the US weaponises global interdependence, it risks a backlash.

The internet is seen as a distributed network with no centre, but it has crossroads and chokepoints, all located in the US. Ashburn in north Virginia is one such – an early internet exchange. It now has the largest concentration of data centres in the world, and the bulk of global traffic passes through it. Server farms attract more high-speed fibre, and then more servers, in aself-reinforcing loop. This was not planned, but it’s how it is.

Today, the US runs amassive surveillance operation around the world, amped up after 9/11 and the expansion of executive power. Beams from fibre-optic cables are split by America’s NSA and Israeli surveillance companies, global tech companies have been forced to comply.

Edward Snowden revealed this massive subterranean machinery, and how NSA listens to the world’s conversations and isolates adversaries with ease. Meanwhile, it has ruthlessly punished others trying the same trick. China’s Huawei is a prime example.

The US holds the levers of global finance through its control of the technology that standardised how banks spoke to each other. International banking didn’t exist until the 1970s and 1980s, until a ‘dollar clearing system’ created by Citibank and JP Morgan became the de facto payments mechanism of the world. Today, Swift, the official passage point that carries over 10 billion messages annually, is a consortium controlled by the US.

Discovering this superpower, the US has used it to punish countries like Iran and Russia. This led Obama’s treasury secretary Jack Yew to warn of overreach. When the US is seen as too powerful to be trusted, then the network frays, it compels countries like Russia, Turkey and China to build their own alternatives.

China has also started to focus on its own vulnerabilities and insulate itself from the global financial network. Network imperialism only works when it’s hidden in the shadows; exposed to the light, it stops being tenable.

Economic warfare risks destabilising the world. Just as German fears of a blockade and lack of access to raw materials hastened World War 2, many nations now see no option but to go dark.

Today, a nationalistic, militaristic, non-democratic China is on the rise. It has good reason to be paranoid as the US retools the world to keep it down. Will it bide its time till powerful enough to break out of the trap? Will it destabilise the economic empire from within? Or will it turn to military aggression?

The US has not considered how its economic coercion is changing the world. Today, the US and China see themselves as vulnerable to the other, their fears build on each other’s. Dangerous feedback loops are setting in.

America needs to think more strategically about its economic weapons, the book argues. It could use its powers for the collective good, to steer the world towards a post-carbon economy, or take on global tax evasion and corruption. It could stop pitting its national interest against the world, and see itself as leading a commonwealth rather than an empire.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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