
There is a sense of resignation among Donald Trump’s critics, and jubilation among his supporters, that he is on track for a second term in White House. Although he has bagged a mere 32 delegates from two states against 1,215 needed to bag Republican nomination in primaries nationwide, his lone surviving opponent, Nikki Haley, is already being written off.

Even sentinels of legacy liberal media, groaning about a geriatric finale and unsure of viability of a Biden win, are discussing Trump’s vice-presidential pick, his prospective cabinet, and his agenda for a second term. Gloomy commentaries are laced with fear and loathing.
Of course, much could change between now and party conventions late summer when nominees will be formally anointed. Trump critics, including a dwindling rank of rivals within Republican party, are hoping his myriad legal entanglements will result in a conviction or two that will derail his campaign and his poll numbers. Or that he will self-destruct on his monumental hubris on display all the time, including racist attacks and sexist put-downs of Nikki Haley that should outrage minorities and women.

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