
We are all walking wounded in some form or another.  Some more than others.  The way it spills over is either in shaming and paining yourself and not believing that you are worthy or deserve better or shaming others and pouring out the venom that is within onto others.

Either way – it is love we are all after.  

Throughout your life in all your inter-personal dynamics and relationships, all you do is to test this one question – am I good enough for this love or not?  With the response you get you figure out every other moment and world interaction you have.

Not realizing that there is an Energy that has had your back forever and continues to love you and give you grace in many life situations – you believe quite the opposite.  That you are always in the midst of some challenge or the other and that there has not been a calm, quiet, pain-free period in your life.  

The symptoms of your pain and disquiet are loud.  Quite literally as though someone is screaming in your ears.  All you hear is that shouting sound – and it keeps you in that stuck place of only being able to hear that and feel the side-effects of that, till it becomes the main belief – the noise of you – and you associate only with that noise. The whisper of your truth is long forgotten.

Only until you get a shake-up-wake-up call do you come back to your senses and begin to search for answers.  The life events that triggered this search were all so important and in the right Divine Order for you to realize that which you have taken this body for.  

For example, well-meaning helicoptering parents do not see the personality of the child that is wanting to emerge.  Instead, by inflicting their opinions and expectations, become the cause of anxiety and stress in their child, the two things they wanted to avoid in the first place.  In being over-managing – they have undermined the decision-making abilities of the child, their self-belief that they are capable and have now placed a condition for being loved and liked by the parent that now the child has to achieve to get a few morsels of love from them.

This cascades into a whole series of life situations and the child plays out this need till they realize that it is their own supply that nourishes them and some plinths of parenting need to be dropped and re-parenting done by themselves to be sufficient and enough in and of themselves.

The missing parts of you – are not missing at all. They are present within and only through this rough patch is your awakening scheduled.  It will happen. Make no mistake. But for once, trust your soul’s wisdom to lead you to the Source of this love.

The Source is you.  The training and conditioning we get in life is to work for ‘conditional love’ and if that does not work out – we are stuck in limbo – between self-doubt and rejection – not knowing that certain plinths in our foundation – that so-called authority figures (parents, primary caregivers), laid out in our lives – were flawed.

Perhaps these questions will connect you to what you seek outside:

Q1. Why do I feel there is a void/something missing in me?

Q2. What is missing?

Q3.  Did I develop a narrative and power it to keep me stuck in this same spot?

Q4. What happens if I suddenly do not believe that narrative anymore? 

Q5. Without that old story – dive into your soul’s wisdom and write down 3 pearls you get as messages from your soul, only for you.

Q6. What 3 actions can you do each day, with this new information?

If you have found this article, it is because you start here.  You are in the right place in your soul’s evolution and needed to feel this message in a bottle – sent from the one you sees you and loves you and has forever loved you.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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