AI- What is critical and urgent



AI is already everywhere. I happened to open a video on WhatsApp. The video just didn’t feel real. It didn’t on two counts- first, whether the person’s image and voice got cloned through AI on the video. Secondly, if what he spoke was misleading.

So I sent it to the “Times Verified”. They are backed by the Times group, the print version of its newspaper, “Times of India” serves as a beacon of trust not only filtering out fake news but consistently providing perspectives of opposing views. Yet they came back saying videos can be fabricated at many levels and hence the service restricts itself to verifying messages only.

The benefits of AI especially in law and order, traffic management, health, education, and productivity are already showing up with astonishing benefits to humankind. This is just the start. 

However, there are a few critical fronts that AI needs to be constrained which I will try to outline with a balanced perspective.  But there is one critical front that is super urgent to solve. 

  • You might know or you might not know the growing power of AI to track down your thoughts and movements to know a lot of things about you. Even what your close family and friends might not be aware of, even in some instances, you might not be aware of yourself too. The data privacy lens has to be very stringent, something we don’t have the culture for. But on the other side, that the AI can provide a customized service knowing my priorities and preferences is a huge plus that certainly needs to be balanced in. 
  • The AI is already the scanner for copyright infringements too. Because at the core, AI is all about learning from historical data. Those data generation materials and even human data points, many a times people from unprivileged backgrounds need to be recognized and in many cases, compensated. But we need to also keep the perspective that we as humans read books, blogs, newspapers, and whatnot and use those perspectives to generate our content by writing up another book, blog, or newspaper column. Isn’t that a similar copyright violation too?
  • The Gemini, the AI model from the Google stable ran into trouble with the Indian government due to the output it produced on the country’s prime minister. You could laugh it away but indeed was extremely poor-quality output. The government reacted and expressed its strong views to regulate all emerging  AI models. But the huge possibility is that every government will talk about regulating, but no one would pragmatically do so for a real possibility of losing out in competition with other countries. Not only that, in India’s case, it will mean all major AI models bypass nearly a billion and a half people. But then what kind of models they would be with such an exclusion?
  • The gender and racial biases with AI. The AI models are purely based on historical data generated by us humans only. We couldn’t still let go of our biases, so how would the outputs generated by that data be? However, the data modeling techniques need to advance quicker, and training on learning patterns and relationships from the humongous quantity of unstructured data in a variety of formats fast forwarded to pivot out of the current AI’s frequent outputs of plausible but untrue assertions. 
  • There is a fear that AI will take over the human race. It is clear that AI is developing itself exponentially, whereas we humans are growing relatively at a sedate sequential pace. But the crucial difference is that we possess the consciousness that AI doesn’t.
  • However, it is a real possibility that AI can create havoc for humankind when misused with commands from a few ill-directed fellow humans. Having said that, right now as we speak, the human decision-making process poses a bigger threat to humankind. Look around the world and you what I am saying. 

The above ones are strategic and critical on how humans leverage AI.

  • What might sound comparatively tactical, but is critical and urgent to solve is the example of that video over WhatsApp. If his image and voice can be cloned, yours and mine too and for some it was already cloned for fraud and mischief purposes. Imagine you getting cloned into a position of emergency and the fraudsters asking for money from your loved ones. Or your image getting morphed into porn, which even when it is proved it was a fake, the scars might remain the rest of your life. Or inversely someone getting exposed for committing a crime on a video but denying saying it’s a fake video. Our trust in anything and everything will be foundationally challenged. 

I can’t say that just watermarking each image and video can be a comprehensive solution, but we need an immediate solution before the trust breaks down. We can’t expect the tech platforms alone to do this, we need independent agencies and the government to ramp up their fake-checking capability. 

But on the other side, if you send me a drawing of a pig flying, it’s up to me to decide if it’s a prophecy or its stupidity or I just leave it to what it is, a piece of art. That art was a point of view, not factual. But I don’t need a government or a tech platform to say whether it was true or fake driven by their priorities and biases.

But right now it looks like “we don’t have much agreement on anything, indeed we are still working out what the arguments are”.

Meanwhile, I have exited many WhatsApp groups that resemble an echo chamber of a few group members filtering in just those forwarded messages that confirm their biases and strong views. This is not AI doing this last-level filtering. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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