AI superbot vs augmented superman 



Two recent developments, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neuralink have captured the imagination of humanity like never before.

ChatGPT, the first one to become the latest buzzword, offered pathbreaking technology in which computers and machines are created that can perform tasks such as learn, reason, and act in ways that need human intelligence. The unbelievable speed, with which it executes these commands, is mesmerizing. Notwithstanding the current undercurrents on Gemini representing the biased output, interest in AI is deepening. The latest in the AI genre is text to video; a one-minute video is generated depicting the textual context.  

On the other hand, the Neuralink is the success of a long research in convergence of computers and neurology that stole the headlines, a Brain Computer Interface (BCI), successfully implanted in the human brain for the first time.

Elon Musk had tweeted, it “enables control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking”.

What it does, while sitting inside the brain on the cortex top layer, is to decode the brain’s electrical impulses that are generated when the brain commands some activity. It then wirelessly relays the command to a computer or device to act and perform a task such as generate words or images. The research has focused on bringing people, who have lost their limbs or affected by paralysis or blindness to be able to interact with the world, thus enhancing their capabilities.

The common thing to cheer about both the technological developments is that both enable and assist human beings in doing tasks in unique fashion. 

With AI, we have the superpowers available at hand to get a machine to write a new code, generate thoughts and compare and compile reports and predict possible outcomes and directions we may take in future. Perhaps, these machines will be able to train the forthcoming machines to perform higher and higher difficult tasks too.

Do we see the fear of these computing machines to one day take over from us by doing away with human indulgence altogether and isolate themselves from the earthlings? No definitive answers are available yet. Scary shape of things to come, if AI is not regulated!

AI generated Deep Fakes, rendering of the fake images which cannot be identified even by the individuals themselves, have already started spooking the world. Imagine, a famous personality giving an inflammatory speech at an inopportune time; it might launch armies. AI could have unimagined consequences and destabilize nations, its economy and divide its society when used by irresponsible people. Should the threshold be allowed to cross over? Regulations imposed by any nation alone would not suffice, the role of the United Nations and similar bodies would need to be redefined and regulations made and updated, which transcend time and geographic boundaries.  

Even though, the Neuralink has not generated a similar scale discussion besides facilitating ailing human body and occasional ethical concerns regarding body modification, but extrapolating the feasibility and capability, it is not difficult to imagine – there is a threat of BCI implanted human beings to act like zombies, controlled by computers or madmen. On the other hand, to predict its positivity, it might also not be too far-fetched to think of such augmented humans who will be able to do multi-tasks at superspeed.

Both the developments, AI and Neuralink, have propelled us towards a better future but with a caveat of keeping innovations under human control; not the other way around. In front of Neuralink, AI looks like a giant or the genie that need to be kept under close scrutiny while Neuralink presents itself merely as a facilitator. Is that true? Are AI and Neuralink collaborators, complimentary or competitors? These questions need to be debated and discussed.

The first look at them suggests a collaborative and mutually complementary development. Imagine any BCI implanted man is also connected to AI and has access to the intelligence cloud, he will have both the capabilities of human intelligence as well as the AI Super bot. Let’s call him an augmented superman. 

Let us further stretch our imagination not very far the present; a game of chess is arranged between this augmented superman, and an AI Superbot – who is likely to win and why?

AI Super bot would not only represent total human intelligence as well as by then, it would have trained and developed itself to beat its trainer or creator himself. We might, therefore, conclude that AI Superbot would win the chess championship against the augmented superman. It is a most simplistic and a linear conclusion.

The above result though is a feasibility but not an axiom. We must not forget that the AI Superbot does neither have a conscience nor it is a living being; on the other hand, augmented superman is and it lives with emotions and wisdom which cannot be fully replicated. Additionally, emotions like love, jealousy, hatred, a desire to win and to never give up etc. are all human traits and remain exclusive for each individual. No big data, upon which AI heavily depends, can represent it accurately. When these traits are clubbed with the man with a conscience, the result of a given situation is not always mathematical and predictable. For an AI Superbot, which is driven by a super curated data and an algorithm, any variations in the algorithm would mean it’s collapse in decision making.   

Thus, with the power of AI Superbot provided through the combination of BCI and AI cloud, the augmented superman will have an overriding hand over the dreaded AI Superbot. Therefore, let’s not worry that the future may place humans at a disadvantage rather revel in the innovations we are seeing today. Cautions and regulations, though, must not be forgotten.

Who can accurately predict that one day the Neuralink might save the man from being subjugated to its own creation.  



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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