African Union joining G-20: Significance for India




In a big endorsement of India’s rising global stature, African Union chairperson Azali Assoumani observed that India is now a superpower ahead of China. Highlighting the good relationship between India and Comoros he expressed optimism regarding future ties between them. The African Union became a permanent member of G20 during the Delhi summit of world leaders & will have the same status as the 27-member European Union (EU), the only regional bloc with full membership of the G20. Its previous designation was Invited International Organisation.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had advocated full membership for the African Union in G20, a proposal that had received wide support from the key global players.

The G20 previously comprised 19 countries and the European Union with the members together representing around 85% of global GDP, more than 75% of global trade and about 2/3rds of the world population.

The admission of AU as a full member in G-20 underscores India’s wide-ranging agenda to focus global multilateral forum’s attention on the Global South during her presidency of the G20 this year.

Modi in his opening remark observed that India’s G-20 presidency has become a symbol of inclusion, both within the country and beyond, representing the spirit of Sabka Saath.

Significance of the African Union for India

The African Union is made up of 55 Member States representing all the countries on the African continent. These Member States are divided into five geographic regions. AU aims to achieve greater unity, cohesion and solidarity among the African countries and African nations.

The African Union is a key driving force for the continent’s political and economic development, its primary purpose being African integration and increased cooperation among African countries, with a view to achieving peace, security, and prosperity for all the people of the continent.

Historically India’s outreach to Africa began in 2008 although China before India had first reached Africa in 2000 & since the formation of Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has come a long way indicating evolving Chinese interests in the African continent.

However, with her shrewd move to include the African Union in the G20 grouping, India has pitched itself as a leader of the developing and underdeveloped countries, it is opined. It is said the move is in sync with India’s aspiration for Permanent Membership of the UNSC for which India is keen to garner support from Africa, which has 55 votes.

Gain for India from African Union’s entry in G-20

  • Solidifies India’s status as a key player in global governance, a nation championing inclusivity and diversity on the international stage;
  • Backing the AU by India is a natural progression of their partnership, making it more than just symbolic, a strategic one taking into consideration a long history of cooperation between the two from trade and education to healthcare and technology;
  • Endorsement by India carrying weight within the G20, particularly given its burgeoning economy and geopolitical influence;
  • Gaining a unique opportunity by India to create a more diverse and representative platform, aligning perfectly with India’s own global aspirations to foster a multipolar world;
  • Adding momentum to the push for a more inclusive G20, a move reflecting a broader shift in the world order.

As countries in the Global South continue to rise in prominence, it would be imperative for the institutions like G-20 to become more reflective of today’s diverse global landscape & the membership in the G-20 would give African nations a direct say in tackling major global challenges, including economic growth, climate change, and sustainable development, it is opined.

To invite the African Union to be a permanent member of G-20 was PM Narendra Modi’s vision. He wished India to become the voice of the Global South. He had accordingly conveyed to all the leaders of G20 India’s wish to make AU a permanent member of G-20, which received a positive and overwhelming response, culminating into induction of the African Union as a Permanent Member of G-20 during the Delhi Summit.

Inclusion of African Union in G-20 lends India huge diplomatic clout in Africa, which has become the playground for major powers like the US, Russia, China and European countries, all vying for political and economic influence in the resource-rich continent.

India, on her part, has plans to actively engage with Africa in matters of climate change mitigation, trade and technology and infrastructure development.

Africa, a Hotbed of Great Power Competition

China has been aggressively pursuing its own economic interests in the resource-rich African continent through investments in infrastructure and mining under the Belt and Road Initiative though, it has faced criticism for burdening African countries with debt, much like Sri Lanka, while Russia, occupied in the Ukraine war has also remained actively involved in African politics through proxies like the mercenary group Wagner. Europe, which on the other hand for years had grappled with rising migration from Africa and the Middle East, has also been noticed reinvigorating its relationships in the continent.

The vast deposits of rare Earth metals like lithium and chromium and other minerals, has attracted the attention of key global players, particularly, China and the U.S. are said to be jostling for influence among African countries to gain access to these lucrative resources.


The African Union’s inclusion to G20 is seen as a big win for India, which has been championing the cause of Global South. India’s support for the African Union’s entry into the G20 is seen as a landmark moment in international diplomacy. It not only strengthens the AU’s bid, but also enhances India’s standing as a global leader advocating for a more equitable and representative international order, it is opined, & aligns well with the ethos of the G20, which seeks to address the challenges of the global economy. India’s proposal thus serves as a pioneering step forward heralding a future where inclusivity and collective wisdom drive global decisions, it is opined.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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