
You must have often witnessed scenes of ruckus alongside the road, in the marketplace, in courtrooms, in different offices, at home, etc. When two (or more) people get involved in an argument and start shouting – the result of such fights is never a purposeful solution.

Once, Laddu Pinto was standing in a queue. Many people wanted their Rs 2000/- note exchanged at the bank window. The person inside the counter was very slow. In fact, the fellow seemed highly occupied with a lot of other work, so he was addressing the people in the queue at a languid pace.

It was a tiring and frustrating experience for Laddu Pinto and others endlessly waiting their turn. When it was the turn of the person next to the teller, the fellow inside closed the counter and started rushing for his lunch.

That’s when the customers standing outside started raising objections. They demanded that the bank arrange for another person to sit at the counter rather than keep it closed during the staff lunch period. People made a lot of hue and cry, abuses and insane words spilt all over in the aura. However, I could see Laddu Pinto standing absolutely cool and composed. He conveyed his objections but did not speak in a loud tone. He was keenly observing everyone out there. I could see that he said only when he was very sure about some point, and whenever he spoke, his words received a good reception.

Somehow, the matter was resolved, and the bank made alternative arrangements to serve the customers faster. I was curiously attracted towards Laddu and I could not resist having a small chat with him.

Me: Sir, I saw you were very calm throughout the episode. Weren’t you angry enough to shout?

Laddu: I never raise my voice. More so, when I am angry, I consciously try to be as silent as possible.

Me: Well, I also saw that you were supporting the people who were shouting.

Laddu: yes, I was one of the victims. I was standing with them and was supporting their standpoint.

Me: Are you so cool in every situation of disagreement?

Laddu: Yes, I have made it a rule never to express any disagreement in a loud tone. Neither do I speak meekly in a very low tome. I maintain my poise.

Laddu further said that adding power to your words is always better than increasing their volume. When you stay calm in adverse situations, you win.

There will always be situations of varied opinions where many people are involved in a process. Everyone doesn’t need to subscribe to one single point of view. Likewise, there will always be people with a different level of patience, emotional intelligence and compassion in a group.

As such, the best way to become a successful communicator in a group is to speak less but be sure about what you say. Further, one must be humble when speaking because shades of arrogance deflect the critical message into the dustbin.

Friends, the simple guidelines stated above can help each one of us to make difficult conversations easy. When you speak confidently, your voice does not rise high; your words reach far and pierce into the listener’s hearts.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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