Achievements or allegations – what’ll get them the votes?



Lord Ram and Narendra Modi will be the two names that reverberate through the election campaign this year. I am not sure which one would be heard more in the northern states, but it’s likely that the lord would take a backseat once the saffron poll caravan moves south of the Vindhyas and enters Tamil Nadu. So, what would be the poll planks in the Dravidian land and who would benefit – in terms of campaign noise, not necessarily votes – from which issue? Read on.

Corruption: BJP would love to make this its prime topic of campaign in Tamil Nadu. The grapevine has it that K Annamalai, who has released a couple of ‘DMK files’ which met with reasonable success, has a few more ‘bombs’ up his sleeve. If that’s true, DMK has something to worry about. Corruption is such an evergreen campaign issue that voters lap it up.

So, it doesn’t matter that the corruption cases against minister without portfolio Senthil Balaji and disqualified minister K Ponmudy are from another decade. That such people have been in the Stalin cabinet is ammunition enough for the opposition. But the AIADMK, which has a handful of leaders who face corruption charges, cannot be holier than thou during the campaign. While the main opposition party in the state may benefit collaterally from corruption being a campaign issue, the BJP will gain fire power. How much of this would convert to votes, however, remains a moot point.

As ‘negative’ campaigns are the ones that get more eyeballs and ears, the opposition in the state may also harp on the DMK’s ‘dynasty rule’, but this is unlikely to pay electoral dividends. For its part, DMK is likely to project itself as the strongest southern sentinel against the saffron surge.

Government’s achievements: Parties don’t return to power always on ‘positive’ campaigns. Modi got a second mandate in 2019 not just because of his government’s performance (which was good on many counts including infrastructure development); the BJP’s politics of polarisation worked – and it continues to work. The same applies to Uttar Pradesh’s Yogi Adityanath who won a second term in 2022. Pinarayi Vijayan got lucky in 2021 to break the Kerala jinx because of a peculiar electoral matrix. Odisha’s Naveen Patnaik, the longest serving chief minister of any Indian state, is an outlier.

The coming elections are to the Lok Sabha, but the DMK government may go to town with its ‘achievements’, listing out the various programmes it launched in the name of the chief minister. While the AIADMK will pick holes in Stalin’s governance, BJP, as part of a national strategy, will invoke the Modi mantra. While listing out ‘achievements’ may look good on campaign fliers, what matters would be how government programmes have changed people’s lives – if they have. Piped water supply, toilets and cooking gas connection in rural areas have improved the quality of lives in villages, and this is something BJP and DMK will vie to take credit for. The breakfast-in-schools scheme has won DMK some hearts, now it has to win the votes.

While such chemistry can create ripples, electoral arithmetic can turn the tide. Hence the alliances and the number of fronts in the fray will be decisive. In a three-cornered fight (in some places four, if you count Seeman’s NTK) the DMK alliance stands to gain. Two weeks ago, this column discussed how this campaign will be between No.1 (DMK) and No.3 (BJP). The results, however, are unlikely to make the No.3 any better.


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