Abu Dhabi’s Hindu temple: The Hindu monks who created a Heaven in the desert



Prime Minister Narendra Modi is inaugurating one of the grandest Hindu temples in an Islamic Arab country UAE – heralding a new age of the eternal Hindu Vaidik message of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. A friend of mine called from the temple site in Abu Dhabi and said three words before his throat became choked with emotions. Tarun ji, what I am seeing here is incredible, unbelievable, and unprecedented.

When the global head of the Swaminarayan BAPS Pujya Mahant Swami ji reached UAE to consecrate the Hindu temple, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan the third president of the United Arab Emirates and the ruler of Abu Dhabi, honoured him with these words- “Welcome to the UAE. Our nation is blessed with your presence. We are touched by your kindness and we feel your prayers.”

Something extraordinary is happening with the message of India’s Sanatan Dharma world-wide. 

Swami Brahmavihari Das , the moving force behind the temple’s rise and head of international relations of the BAPS, described the temple as a ‘spiritual oasis for global harmony’.

Solar ignited flame of sacred Agni

Twenty seven acres , seven hundred crores of expenses to build,  the temple that will attract millions of people from all across the globe, and shall be looked with awe as a symbol of togetherness, acceptance of the other viewpoint, a symbol of peoples’ faith that shows them the path of harmonious , joyous, compassionate collectiveness.

That an Arab, Islamic country would give twenty seven acres of land for a Hindu temple still seems to be a miracle. A miracle of the power of devotion, compassion and message of harmony that was symbolised by Pujya Pramukh Swami, the legendary head of the Swaminarayan BAPS, who had dreamt of having this temple in Abu Dhabi.

It is believed that he had god given power in him that whatever noble thoughts came to his mind were realised sooner or later. For example Delhi’s Akshardham Hindu temple, It was his dream to have a temple on the Yamuna banks – years ago and finally with the help of all it was consecrated and inaugurated by the then President of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Shri L.K.Advani played a lead role in getting all hurdles crossed successfully for this gigantic Hindu temple that, after many many centuries became the Indian capital’s first big temple of grace and grandeur .   

So far Swaminarayan BAPS has built more than 1100 temples world wide – a feat that amazes even the bitterest critics of Hindu dharma and it bewilders them that how on the strength of pure heart, transparent spirituality and compassion for all -beyond boundaries, the ochre robed monks – radiant with an indescribable aura of Bhakti of the world’s most ancient Vedik faith keep spreading their message of love and peace unhindered.

Eight years ago in TheTimesofIndia.com, I paid my tributes to His Holiness Pramukh Swami (December 7, 1921-13 August 2016) with a title – The Swami Who Changed the Face of Hindu Dharma. (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/indus-calling/the-swami-who-changed-the-face-of-hindu-dharma/).

He became head of the BAPS order at the age of 28 and remained a source of inspiration to the millions of Hindus worldwide till 2016- when he left for his heavenly abode at the age of 94. His month-long centenary celebrations concluded last year in January and more than 12 million people visited it. Abu Dhabi temple was his dream and announced by one of his most beloved devotees Narendra Bhai Modi in 2015. The foundation stone was laid for the temple by the  present head of the BAPS Pujya Mahant swami in 2019 and within four years the temple is ready for the consecration and inauguration. 

The entire work- from its conceptualisation to the realisation, from intricate sculpture work, designing, decisions about the sacred moortis and Hindu motifs, was done by the saffron clad Swaminarayan sadhus , who are young, possess high academic excellence , degrees from the world known universities of Europe and America, and have joined the order of the monks at an early age – leaving behind opportunities to live in opulence and luxury. Their support base came in the form of volunteers, who came from Dubai, USA, North America, India and many other countries numbering mort=re than a thousand .

It’s incredible that in such a short period, a gigantic Hindu temple, the one he dreamt of was conceived. He asked his devotees to work on this and be ready for the inauguration in a devout Islamic nation Abu Dhabi. PM Modi, himself a devotee of Swaminarayan and recipient of immense love and blessings from Pramukh Swami, declared it’s opening on 14th February.  The Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi posted on X “The world awaits the inauguration of the Abu Dhabi Mandir by PM Narendra Modi. Visuals resplendent with its spellbinding architecture show the temple in all its grandeur,”.

No doubt that in a real sense the world is looking with awe and admiration at how a devout Islamic nation facilitated a grand Hindu temple, the biggest in the Arab land and gulf countries and became a symbol of universal brotherhood. PM Modi’s Abu Dhabi visit is taking place almost immediately after he inaugurated the Ayodhya Ram Temple with a Pran Pratishtha puja , having observed an eleven day fast -surviving only on coconut water . His devotion to the cultural and civilisational milieu of a nation that fought the foreign invasion for a millennium has mesmerised the world community and earned him appreciation from millions crossing all ideological and religious boundaries.  As far as memory helps, this  kind of a global appreciation and admiration hasn’t occurred for any Indian leader  of any hue in the last one thousand years.


What does this Hindu temple signify in a foreign land ?

In one essence it is Sewa.

Imagine a Hindu sanyasi asking his  young monks to go to help the tribals and the scheduled castes not only for their economic empowerment, but also to educate them and provide medicines to the needy. We have seen the religious people confining them to the realm of rituals and sermons. but here was a monk, who headed a global Hindu organisation for 66 years and not only gave the best of the architectural marvels in the form of Akshardhams and Swaminarayan Hindu temples , but turned the sadhus to work for eradication  of ill practices, strengthen de-addiction drives and teach the poor to excel in the careers. 

It’s amazing to see how an ochre robed Hindu sanyasi changed the perception about the Hindu society and faith globally working through a dedicated order of young, dreamy eyed highly qualified monks.

Pramukh Swami, as he was reverentially called, headed a Swaminarayan sect for 66 years.  When the Christian proselytization  was speeded up  under the British tutelage it was the Swaminarayan sect – two centuries before -that saved the Hindus and provided a protective shield that has flowered into a global order of the Hindu civilisational values. 

When Delhi’s Akshardham was inaugurated by the then President Dr Kalam, it was considered to be a revolution. Can you imagine a mosque or a church being declared open by a Hindu scholar? But here was a Hindu seer, who chose Abdul Kalam, a Muslim to inaugurate Akshardham because he thought this is not just a temple but a centre of India’s rejuvenation and inspiration for  the young to build a greater Bharatvarsh. Hence the best soul, even if he is from a Muslim community, must be invited to have it opened. Only a Hindu monk, like Swami Vivekananda, could have taken this decision, because for them the nation, India is like their god and the people, no matter to what faith or the denomination they belong to, are our own flesh and blood hence deserve the same love and bliss that we give to our Hindu devotees.

Pramukh Swami, who passed away at 95, was extraordinary in his modern, reformist vision and inspiring thousands of youth to spirituality. I have seen a  number of  youths, having high  professional degrees in law, engineering, medicine and finance,  coming  from New York, Kenya, London and many parts of Europe, embracing the path of renunciation and joining Pramukh Swami’s order of dedicated monks. The permission to become a monk is given after a two year rigorous test- and that too is followed by a happily given approval   from their parents- otherwise the order of the monks refuses to admit them . 

And these qualified technocrats, engineers, doctors are not just trained in the ancient Hindu scriptures , Sanskrit and attain knowledge of  religious duties , they are encouraged to use their professional abilities to serve the needy and help the Hindu dharma  take up new challenges of a rapidly moving society. Synchronising Dharma with the demands of a global market economy and cyber age becomes their new  assignment.

So we saw monk- doctors serving the poor tribals in the Dangs, Dhrampur areas of Gujarat or a set of those sadhus providing Kedarnath tragedy region with medicines and relief material or helping build the plan and architecture of Akshardham in such a way that it is not just a temple for the devotees but also a place of inspiration giving knowledge about India’s past achievements in science, technology, physics, chemistry and metallurgy. Among these young monks we find fine artists, music composers, connoisseurs of art and brilliant engineers. The entire work of Swaminarayan temples, from planning to execution is done by these qualified monks.

The same youngster, Hindu missionaries of the highest order, go to the slums, small towns organising the youth in weekly gatherings called Ravi- Sabha or Sunday meetings where the de-addiction drive are taken up, and activities are woven in such an interesting manner that influence of liquor, drugs, gambling are   minimised and gradually removed. 

The organisation Pramukh Swami guided for seven decades is described on their official website as “Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) which is a socio-spiritual Hindu organization with its roots in the Vedas. It was revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan (1781-1830) in the late 18th century and established in 1907 by Shastriji Maharaj (1865-1951).’ (http://www.baps.org/About-BAPS/WhoWeAre.aspx)

Monks of the BAPS order are humble and scholarly, guiding the huge force of spiritual warriors into a new era of resurgent India.

Abu Dhabi’s Hindu temple represents the best in humanity and the aspirations of the people to build a happy, peaceful earth.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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