About time you knew your real worth



Jaya Row

A beggar used to beg outside a busy train station. One day a man approached him and offered to buy his begging bowl for ₹2,000. The beggar refused. The man then offered ₹10,000. The beggar was not interested. After a few days the man convinced the beggar to sell it for a princely sum of ₹25,000. The beggar was happy as he would not have to beg any more. The man was ecstatic. He had obtained an antique bowl worth millions.

We are like the beggar, oblivious of our real worth. We waste our lives in petty, insignificant preoccupations when we are sitting on a goldmine. We find pleasure in little acquisitions, unaware that we are heir to infinite bliss. We are content with incremental progress. We need to take that mighty leap and commit ourselves to exponential growth.

When your mind is focused on the body, you experience the lowest quality of joy. You can enjoy sense objects only as long as there is contact with them. Move to emotional thrills and physical inconveniences no longer matter. When a teenager falls in love, she becomes indifferent to food. Identify with an intellectual ideal and you experience much greater joy. A sportsperson dedicated to tennis celebrates an opponent’s brilliance as if it were his own. And when you identify with the Spirit within you attain infinite Bliss.

Begin by expanding your mind. Rise above paltry issues and espouse a higher cause. Think big. Become a giver, not a taker. An automobile component manufacturer decided to improve the quality of their products. They won the coveted Deming Prize. The following year they helped eight other companies to improve their quality. Thus, India became the hub for automobile component manufacture! Selfishness leads to failure. Rise above thought of self and excellence flows from you. The law is that all takers are unhappy. Givers are the happy ones. And you grow into a towering personality.

Enlarge your circle of love. Go beyond the narrow confines of your family to accommodate your community, country, the world. The whole world becomes your family – vasudhaiva kutumbakam. The higher you go, the more successful you become. Oneness makes for astounding results. Cooperation yields much better results than competition. Your happiness multiplies.

Understand the futility of worldly pursuits. Then you develop mumukshattva, the desire for liberation. Plato describes people living in a dark cave. One day a young man told his peers that there had to be something beyond the cave. The elders said there was nothing beyond their little world. He decided to explore and walked away. He reached a point where he was in pitch darkness. His conviction helped him continue. Finally, he came out into the open. He saw the sun, moon, stars, breathed ethereal air, and he was in bliss!

We are trapped in the world, ignorant of the Beyond. Do you visualise an exhilarating life beyond the boredom of your daily grind? The Bhagwad Gita speaks to you. It takes you step by step from mediocrity to Excellence. From drudgery to revelry. And from mortality to Immortality. Break free from your self-imposed prison and take off into the world of the Spirit.

For more inspiration from Jaya Row, visit www.vedantavision.org



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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