
“When are we going to watch it?” “Who are you going to watch it with?”

These questions do the rounds in our home whenever a movie by my wife’s favourite actor is released. Since I am not fond of this actor, I am the last one to be asked by my better half to accompany her. It was one such occasion and all her regular companions for these movies had either watched it beforehand or were occupied. The spade of invitation fell on me!

There are moments in life which may not be the most enjoyable ones for a person but one must pretend to smile. Human beings in various jobs are trained to bear such dispositions as part of their professional requirements. Hence, at times, it becomes difficult to identify an individual’s true emotions. In fact, today, a lot of conversation is picking up on Artificial Intelligence (AI) based sentiment analysis. Besides the sentiments, I was scared to read about the recent uproar over deepfakes of celebrities.  

Very soon, it may not be possible to discover the truth of a human identity! 

Nevertheless, we decided to go for a Sunday morning show in a multiplex. As we occupied our seats, the characteristic smell of popcorn filled the air in the movie hall. I mused that it was a good option to engage in, at the start of the movie itself; and could be a wonderful backup for me, if I got bored beyond a tolerable limit. I stepped out to the snacks counter to ask for a tub and was in for a surprise. There was an unlimited refill offer on purchase of a large tub – the difference of cost being Rs 100 between the first size and the large size. I thought for a second and realized that the two of us had enough time to finish a tub, including, probably, a partial refill during the interval. After all, one tends to eat more in excitement (my wife, enjoying the movie) as well as in distress (poor me)!   

The pace of the movie matched the pace of consumption of the puffed kernels. There was an intermittent assurance from me about enjoying the movie as much as she was doing. As a true companion, she knew that I was enjoying popcorn more than the movie. Lo and behold! The tub was empty before the interval. It was refilled during the break. 

I was in a child-like excitement for enjoying a refilled tub, without any further cost. As a person who is an occasional movie-goer, this was a novel experience for me. Rather, I was filled with a sense of achievement, having almost recovered the cost of the movie ticket through the popcorn!

Small achievements can create wonders in one’s energy and enthusiasm. My mind was distracted from the movie and was now focused on the next question – can I get the next refill before the movie ends? For me, the suffering of the movie had vanished, and I was basking in the sheen of popcorn. It was also a realization that larger problems of life can be overcome by aiming at achieving smaller milestones on the path. 

As we were few minutes before the end, I stepped out again to get the tub refilled to the brim. It was as if I had won the toughest competition in the world. As I reached back to my seat, my better half stared at me with eyes wide open. She was confused how I would finish this in the next ten minutes. I was firm that I would not! I had found this an interesting game and as the show concluded, we moved out of the hall, with me holding a filled tub of popcorn!

I was walking with pride, having achieved something! All this while, I did not realise the embarrassment that act could cause to my wife. She was moving with a man carrying a large tub of popcorn, with branding of the theatre, taking escalators from the fourth floor to the ground floor of the mall in full public view. My act did not find support from her, but I was convinced that it was an offer from the Multiplex which I had availed myself to the fullest, doing nothing wrong. 

The kids looked at me in disbelief and burst into laughter as we narrated the whole story upon reaching home. My wife enjoyed the movie, and I enjoyed my achievement. As I looked upon our children for support for my act, they were busy enjoying the tub full of popcorn, leaving me in a dilemma – did I do right or wrong in being my natural self? Looking for some anchors…



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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