A step by step guide on how not to write a recipe – part 1



Rather belatedly in my writer’s journey, I have realised that posts and videos on food garner the most views. And ergo, I have decided to jump onto the band wagon and try my hand at writing a recipe. 

Move over Sanjeev Kapoor and Ranveer Brar and the rest of the gang. 

Here I present the recipe to beat all recipes and for starters we shall make something I tried out quite recently. Having failed at my 1st attempt at making it many years ago, I managed to nail the recipe this time and there couldn’t be a better way to begin my journey as a food blogger than by sharing some secret tips for this fluffy, flavoursome, aromatic and melt-in-the-mouth delicacy from coastal Karnataka. 

So, I took 2 cups of jackfruit pods and … wait, what? Why jackfruit, you ask? Um … I’m not sure, we could ask the experts, but maybe it’s because the recipe calls for jackfruit? It is a dish prepared primarily with jackfruit; one would have thought that was obvious from the name itself, like duh!

Ah, uno momento … so it seems I have omitted to mention the name of the dish at the start of the recipe. My bad, guys!

So, ladies and gentlemen, presenting my step by step recipe for that perfect jackfruit idli! It’s also called halsinahannu kadubu and it is a delicacy from my hometown of Udupi and neighbouring regions.

There … with that little matter sorted out, let us proceed to the main recipe. So, I took 2 cups of ripe jackfruit pods and blended them into a pulp in my blender. I blended the jackfruit, please note, not the cups; though how one can blend a measuring cup I have no clue.

So we blend the pods … but before we get to that, we need to first de-seed the pods and yes that is one messy job, what with the seeds being as slippery as a bar of Lux soap which keeps slithering around on a wet bathroom floor. It’s a case of history repeats, well kind of, with these sippery sleeds, I mean slippery seeds, flying off hither and thither and playing peek-a-boo from beneath dusty corners of the kitchen just when you think you’ve got your hands on it. But worry not, we don’t need the seeds after all, just the fruit off it. 

Anyway, to get back, we take 2 cups … wait, talking of getting back reminds me that before deseeding the jackfruit pods, we need to first separate the pods from the main body and to do that we might need to go still further back and cut open the jackfruit which has previously been plucked from the tree, unless the fruit hasn’t already ripened a tad too much and fallen on your head, in which case you might skip the plucking step. But, remember, this is entirely on your karma.

Ok, so where were we … of course, we were in our cups, or rather, we were to take 2 cups of the plucked, separated, de-seeded ripe jackfruit pods and … oh well, never mind. 

Just order pizza and be done with it! 

Meanwhile, as you wait for the pizza guy, please hit the like button for this recipe and share it. And keep following my posts for more such authentic and traditional recipes from coastal Karnataka! 

Bon appetit!



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