A raconteur’s midnight ruminations



It was already midnight and somehow I was finding it hard to put myself to sleep. Not that I wasn’t tired or it wasn’t my bedtime. I usually do a one-hour workout to exhaust myself physically and my work certainly drains me mentally. Still, on some odd nights, I find myself bereft of the sweet antidote to exhaustion- Sleep. Last night was one such night.

After a lot of tossing and turning, I must have drifted into a light slumber when suddenly I thought I heard someone walking around in my room and whispering something. I woke up with a start and looked around. Even though I was alone in my room, safely nestled behind locked doors, the possibility of an intruder pacing in my room, shook me to the core. Needless to say, I was wide awake now and was staring at the prospect of stepping into the dawn without tasting the restorative elixir called sleep.

It was at this point of time that I recalled Nadine Gordimer’s story “Once Upon a Time” in which the narrator is unable to fall asleep after apprehending an intruder’s presence in her house and while she lies awake, she decides to tell herself a bedtime story to soothe her agitated nerves and lull herself to sleep.

As I lay wide awake, I decided to tap into my storytelling skills. After all, I had spent many nights crafting tales to lull my children to sleep. I closed my eyes and began to weave a story in my mind, a gentle narrative that would calm my racing thoughts and guide me back to slumber. “I am a storyteller,” I told myself, “surely I can concoct something for my sake.” So this is how I began a story…

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom lived a King who was afraid of his own shadow. Every morning, when the sun rose and cast his shadow upon the walls of the palace, the King would scream in terror and flee from the room. His advisors and servants were puzzled by his strange behaviour. The remedies prescribed by the medicine men and the concoctions prepared by pharmacologists were of no avail.

The King consulted wise men and sorcerers, but none could help him. He ordered his palace to be lit with a thousand candles at all times so that no shadow would be cast. But still, he could not escape it.

One day, a young girl from the village approached the palace gates. She had heard of the King’s fear and believed she could help him. The guards, amused by her audacity, allowed her to enter.

When she stood before the King, she asked him why he was afraid of his shadow. The King, taken aback by her question, could offer no answer. The girl led the King to a dark room and lit a small candle. She then asked him to look at his shadow on the wall.

As the horrified King tried to watch, the girl began to move the candle, causing the shadow to dance and sway. “Your shadow is just a trick of the light,” she said. “It cannot harm you unless you let it.”

The King realized the truth of her words. His fear had been nothing more than an illusion, created by his own mind. With a newfound sense of courage, he was able to break the shackles of his deceptive fear and embrace his shadow.

From that day on, the King ruled his kingdom with even greater wisdom, knowing that true bravery was not the absence of fear, but the courage to face it. Now, whenever he saw his shadow on the wall, he smiled, knowing that it was nothing to fear.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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