
The role of a parent is to be bad cop and good cop both rolled into one and discipline and guide their children.  It is here that the conditioning and training of ‘those that love you can hurt you’ begins to take root within the child and is mistaken in adulthood in toxic relationships as ‘love.’

Especially in toxic romantic relationships where you have already been love-bombed and groomed to think that this partner is your mentor and companion and has your growth in mind, you ignore the toxic behavior. This partner has already worked on you, done research about you and mined all valuable information from you and kept it locked and loaded for later use.  Slowly small transgressions will be initiated.  For example, you are out shopping and your partner has a sudden and loud outburst at you in front of everyone, ‘scolding’ you for something.  This is a red flag but you are taken aback and confused at this strange behavior and might ignore it.  This and many such behaviors have to be seen through the red flag lens by you. 

Here, the toxic partner has mirrored the ‘parental disciplining’ role and almost got you in a trance of being reduced to that ‘child’ that ‘needs to be scolded.’  It is the familiarity of the action – something that is universally relatable that causes you to not make a big deal about it and accept it.  Perhaps you retaliate, shout back but ultimately you ignore it.  

It is here that you are being groomed to accept more and more bad behavior.  This is where action is needed.  You cannot set a precedence of permitting this behavior without making a note of it and its unacceptability.  

Your partner is not your parent.  You are not a child.  And you cannot be ‘scolded.’  

It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not permit this.  It is here that the boundary needs to be set firmly that this is not acceptable and there is a very strong possibility that this behavior will escalate.

Our need for validation, for love, for a companion and for being understood – have been understood by this person.  Every nuance and lilt of it have been registered in their brain – and you have been trained – again to respond as you did when you were a child.  The toxic partner knows how to mimic subtly, the parental role – so it is almost a subconscious forgiving by you, of the disrespect you sense.  

Pay attention to these red flags and the slightest sensation of disrespect, especially when you are at the start of the relationship. Take the active decision to self-uphold and walk away from questionable actions.  You are not a child and must take adult decisions and have the courage to call out the familiar dance of love and hurt.  They do not go together and it is your responsibility to ensure that you make adult choices and respect yourself.  It is toxic.  You do not need it.  You deserve to know your worth.  Love and respect yourself.  It is the highest form of self-loyalty and self-work.  



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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