

It was loud crash of two vehicles at a crossing with traffic lights.

20 minutes before the bang:

Finally, I reached the counter at the post office after standing in queue. I was waiting for the guy across the counter to finish his work and attend to me. Suddenly a man crossed all the line, walked up to the counter and stood on my right. The man behind me lost his patience and moved forward to my left. Now we were three people extending our papers to the guy manning the counter. Every one broke the queue and soon we were a group of people instead of a line of people. 

It took more time and more shoves to get the work done. 

90 seconds before the bang:

I reached the busy intersection. Traffic light was red, so I stopped short of zebra crossing. A car that had to turn right, came from my left, crossed the zebra line and stopped in front of me, diagonally. In next few seconds many two wheelers and three wheelers and cars arrived, each one stopping one foot ahead of the vehicle in front. Though I was first to arrive at the intersection, in next one minute I was almost at the tail end of the column of the vehicles. Many two wheelers were still zig zagging their way to the front. I was worried about my side view mirrors. Countdown clock at the lights showed 6 seconds to green light when one motorist decided enough was enough and vroomed across the crossing. I wondered what was his emergency that he could not wait for 6 seconds. 

From the other side came other vehicle with the driver who wanted to cross over before the orange light changed to red. He too had some emergency and could not wait for 90 seconds. 

The big bang came from the collision of these two vehicles. Whatever emergency they had to attend to, they were shifted to emergency of a nearby hospital.

If there is any obstruction to traffic, we soon have people in a hurry making a second line of vehicles. Then a third. And then some wise crack would start driving on the wrong side. 

Shakespeare once said – India is a nation in hurry. Okay, he never said that. But I am sure he must have thought about it. 

We want to board a bus or train first, we want to enter the cinema hall first. We want passport in tatkaal. We want to be ahead at petrol pumps. We want to pay our bills first at the grocery shops. We always are in a hurry of one kind or the other. 

We wish to be first in the production area, we are still trying to be there. In the meantime, we hurriedly became first in reproduction area. India is the nation with most population now. 

Come on guys, let us hurriedly develop some patience. 

Hurry makes curry. I wonder if India became a country of curries through misplaced hurries. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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