Cash trumps culture: Small states are relatively out of fashion these days because politicians now understand economic realities



Campaigning in western UP, BSP chief Mayawati said her party will take concrete steps to spin-off the region into a separate state. She held similar views when she was CM of UP. There may be some political support for the move, with administrative efficacy being a frequently cited reason.

How and why of states | Culture has been the primary approach to demarcating states. Language is the most practical way to identify culturally coherent regions. Andhra Pradesh was carved out in Oct 1953 as the first linguistic state but the matter didn’t end there.

Does size matter? | A States Reorganisation Commission studied the issue and in 1955 concluded there’s a strong basis for linguistic units. It felt a state is not just an administrative unit, but one where the working of democratic institutions required an emotional response. The answer was language. But there was another issue. The question of an appropriate size for administrative efficacy did come up. The Commission said “efficiency of administration is seldom determined by the size of the unit.”

When matters | Demands to revisit borders never seem to fade as grievances, real or imagined, are a recurring source of social and political mobilisation. A call to spin-off western UP as Harit Pradesh has surfaced often. About 24 years ago, it was an important plank of RLD. This coincided with new sub-divisions within relatively coherent linguistic regions that led to formation of Jharkhand, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh. Later, when AP was bifurcated, a new economic factor came into play.

Urban dynamics | A parliamentary committee report on housing and urban affairs estimated that urban India now contributes 65% of the national GDP. Therefore, the presence of an urban dynamo in a state can change its political dynamics because it determines the extent of autonomous control over own tax resources (OTR) a govt will have.

Telangana movement was based partly on economic grievances of a relatively poorer agrarian sub-region. But Telangana’s control over Hyderabad put it in charge of what really mattered. In 2021-22, Telangana generated about 79% of its revenue through its OTR, while AP could manage just 50%. Consequently, a govt in Telangana will have far more fiscal space to fulfil the needs of the people. Economic reality can no longer be ignored when talking about state formation. Social grievances and cultural factors do drive mobilisation but India’s changing economic structure will temper demands.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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