Here’s a hot button election issue: Will soaring temperatures keep people from voting? 2019 data offers some clues



The joke goes that Sheohar in Bihar logged 45 – for both temperature (°C) on polling day and turnout (%). It may soon not be a joke, given the number of constituencies where turnout and temperature are increasingly proximate. Phulpur voted on May 12, 2019, for instance, in 41°C – a mere 48.7% turned up to vote, UP’s lowest.

In LS elections 2009, 13 of Maharashtra’s 48 LS seats voted in temperatures of 44°C – 10 constituencies in Vidarbha, 3 in Marathwada – voter turnout averaged 54%. Summer heat has turned increasingly more intense in scale and scope, scorching large swathes of the country for longer periods. No surprises if it makes the electorate cold to the idea of voting.

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