The ten commandments aren’t religious but universal values to be imbibed by all



1. In various pockets a very few are still learning all that has been discovered and used in the ancient Vedic past, and at the same time, India has successfully made a transition from conservativism to modernity thru’ the Anglo-Vedic education, best of ‘West and East’, ‘Material and Spiritual sciences’, ‘Work excellence and Wisdom’! Our businesses, IT experts, youth, even politicians are adopting to new technologies! India seamlessly harmonizes the oldest concepts of Upanishads with Euclid, Aristotle, and latest concepts of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence.

2. Let’s look at an important issue concerning new AI technologies, that was highlighted in the Keynote Address at an International Global Conference: ‘It is comparatively easy to innovate a new technology or gadget. It is almost impossible to immediately gauge the real extent of implications it brings in its wake! So, we need to proceed with caution.

Take for instance the modern automobile. Today, we all know that it is one of the major agents of pollution in our world. So, we have new technologies such as Green EV to replace it; though 150 years ago, this very fossil-fuel-driven automobile was presented to the world as ‘Green, non-polluting’ solution to modern transportation, but rejected!

Take Quantum Computing, for instance. This new technology is supposed to increase computing speeds by 1000 times. The areas, beneficial to mankind, where this kind of insane computing speeds are required will be very few. If only its use could be confined to that area, it would be the greatest thing that could happen to us. But we know the fate of mankind. Human beings have a perverse evil element hardwired into them, as it were. Someone somewhere will start using it for destructive, diabolical ends!

A Facebook employee developed the algorithm to send targeted ads to Facebook users with the intention of giving people a better service from Facebook. Very soon, it started being used to manipulate public opinion!

The Root of dharma, moral, ethics, is NOT religions! A Confucian sage in China said that the root of all ethics is in the heart of man, termed ‘Universal Moral Imperative’. We have always believed that morality and ethics came from religion. Why should we do good things not bad! Should we ‘be good and do good’ just because Buddha said so! Should we love our neighbour and follow the Ten Commandments, just because Moses and Christ said so!

Do we be Righteous just because our Holy Book says so, or because our Holy Prophet says so! Those days of ‘Belief’ are gone. This argument will not hold good today or in the future.

We need to discover the real root of morality and ethics. It is a scientific fact, not religious belief, that every ‘living-being’, ‘jiva+atman’, is a ‘body’ enlivened by ‘Life/Consciousness’. It is Life that makes us conscious, different from matter. When children play, they all instinctively accept good from bad, and don’t need any religious Belief to love each other! There is an Inner Voice, conscience, that manifests from Consciousness within.

The real role of religion should have been to teach us how to befriend the Consciousness within. Organized religions and gurus, instead indulge in brainwashing people into believing narrow, self-centered ideas, mostly aimed at perpetuating themselves.

3. The foundation of our composite culture is the most glorious wisdom of Vedanta which affirms that all of existence is actually One Consciousness though we see the existence as infinitely differentiated matter and living-beings, all in perfect Order, Rtm. Humans have freedom of choice to move in Rtm, thru goodness and kartavya-palan towards Oneness with all or away from oneness! Anything that is selfless helps ‘unite’ us and is moral, righteous. Anything that differentiates us is immoral. Selfishness is the root cause of all immorality. Unselfishness is God; serve God in man, says Vivekananda.

We all will be working with these new AI technologies in the future. It is imperative that we develop the moral strength within ourselves and need not depend on anything or anyone to show us the right path. Education must teach and instill the ability to derive all the ethics and morality we need from within ourselves.

Our thanks to the scientific minded Westerners that they insisted upon the spirit of enquiry, direct experience, ‘seeing is believing’. They refused to accept Beliefs of religions and so the scientific community could adopt the policy of “Nulius in verba”, not to accept words of authority. It is because of their conviction, that IQ, Sciences, modern schooling grew and spread; and we now enjoy and also suffer the problems of all modern technological wonders. We must thank the West that they encouraged direct experience, exploration, discussions, open logical inferences and they had the strength and wisdom to Reject mere BELIEF!!

Thanks also to “Moses, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam” for the TenCommandments and “AI and Google” that the whole world now accepts the idea of “One World. One Family. One Future”, as envisioned and accepted by G20 countries and our ANGLO-VEDIC culture of “Whole world as our family”.

As Academia and Mentors, we have to reflect and look at the Ten Commandments given by Moses and the Bible, not as religious but as universal principles of Righteousness that should be made compulsory teaching in all schools, in the light of the scientific worldview of Oneness and ii) a Subjective focus, i.e., how do we Instill/Imbibe the spirit of Oneness, thru getting established in daily self-study and Self-development practice to manage our mind and direct it good/god-wards.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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