30 Zany Texts You Can Share On WhatsApp To Celebrate April Fools’ Day


April 1 marks the jovial celebration of April Fools’ Day, a day dedicated to humour and lighthearted pranks among friends, family, and colleagues. Recognised as All Fools’ Day in some circles, it’s a time when many engage in playful jests, craft humorous messages, and execute benign pranks to bring smiles and laughter to those they hold dear. This annual tradition, steeped in varied customs and practices across different cultures, universally fosters a sense of fun and fellowship.

In the spirit of this day, a comprehensive collection of witty greetings, amusing messages, and playful images has been assembled for those looking to spread joy on social media. Whether aiming to elicit a chuckle or catch someone off-guard with a clever hoax, these resources are tailored for sharing with your network of friends and relatives, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere of April Fools’ Day. Engage in the festivities by sharing a laugh or a gentle ribbing, reminding everyone of the lighter side of life.

30 Hilarious Messages To Share With Freinds On April Fools’ Day

Here are 30 playful April Fools’ Day messages you can send on WhatsApp to friends and family. All you need to do is copy from below and paste it on any messenger of your choice. 

1. 🚨Warning: This message self-destructs in 5 seconds.🚨 Oops, wrong alarm, it’s just April Fools’ Day!

2. Did you know they’ve decided to cancel April Fools’ Day? They say it’s too redundant with the rest of the year. 😜

3. Hey, I just read online that they’re making today a public holiday from now on. April Fools’ Day off, finally!

4. Guess what? I won the lottery! 🎉 …April Fools! But imagine what we could do if I did. 🤔

5. Breaking News: Scientists confirm that drinking coffee can make you taller. Guess we’re all getting our caffeine fix today! ☕️😄

6. Did you hear WhatsApp is starting to charge for emojis? Better use them wisely! 😂

7. I’ve decided to move to Antarctica. I hear the internet connection is ice! 🧊

8. Just saw a pig fly by my window. Guess anything really can happen on April Fools’ Day!

9. They found water on Mars! Oh, wait… it was just a spilt glass by a clumsy astronaut. 🚀

10. FYI, they’re recalling all smartphones. Apparently, they cause excessive happiness. 📱

11. Just read they’re banning chocolate to improve national health. Better stock up! 🍫

12. Heard on the news today that they’re going to add a new day between Saturday and Sunday called Funday. 🎉

13. OMG, I just got invited to a secret concert by [insert favorite artist here]! You won’t believe where it is…

14. Hey, your car called me. It wants a day off. 🚗

15. Good morning! Did you see the moon is still up? Oh wait, it’s just a streetlamp. 😄

16. Breaking: Scientists have announced that calories now count as negative on weekends. Eat up!

17. Did you know they found a way to translate dog barks into English? Finally, we can understand our pets!

18. Just read that all your favourite TV shows have been renewed… for a lifetime!

19. I just got a message from the future. It says you’re going to have an awesome day today!

20. Surprise! They’re turning the internet off for a day to encourage outdoor activities. Let’s plan something!

21. I’ve decided to become a professional underwater basket weaver. Heard it’s the latest trend!

22. Guess what? They’ve just announced a 13th month called Wondember!

23. Your phone will soon update to read your thoughts instead of your fingerprints. Think carefully! 🤔

24. Just heard they’re replacing all school textbooks with comic books to make learning more fun.

25. Big news: All forms of homework have been officially banned worldwide. Students, rejoice!

26. Update: Aliens have landed and they’re demanding to know the secret recipe for your mom’s [insert favourite dish here].

27. Heads up: They’re going to start taxing people based on how much they snore.

28. Breaking: Jumping on one leg has been declared the new most efficient form of exercise.

29. Psst… they’ve discovered that plants can sing, but only in shower-level acoustics. 🌱

30. Did you hear the moon will be turning pink tonight? Perfect for a late April Fools’ prank!

Feel free to adjust these messages based on what you think your friends and family will enjoy!

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