I have never been a hoarder, except for good shoes and trendy earrings. My refrigerator has always been grateful for the fact that, unlike other households, I do not stuff it with unnecessary food items, veggies and fruits or stack it with unwarranted condiments, confectionery and processed fare. I ensure that my refrigerator has enough breathing space between its shelves and sufficient air to circulate. However, I was hardly prepared for the condescending look and a chunky dressing down that my dear refrigerator doled out to me the other day. 

In the serene hum of my usually content refrigerator, I was taken aback by an unexpected rebuke. Its usual chill seemed to carry an air of accusation as if my minimalistic approach to stocking it had offended its purpose. Its cooling coils echoed with a subtle reproach, a testament to its discontent with my frugal habits. “You might have spared me from the clutter, but is this all you think I deserve?” it seemed to say, the crispness of its words cutting through the air. 

The shelves, once proudly bare, now appeared forlorn, yearning for the colourful companionship of fresh produce and delectable treats. The egg tray, once home to a modest dozen, now echoed emptiness. The side door that once jangled with plastic and glass bottles, bore a deserted look with a solitary water bottle filled God knows when. The usually silent interior had found its voice, expressing a longing for the vibrancy of seasonal fruits, the crunch of colourful vegetables, and the temptation of indulgent desserts. 

It was as if my refrigerator craved a purpose beyond mere functionality; it wanted to be a canvas for culinary creativity, a sanctuary for flavours waiting to meld and mingle. I tried to reason with it, “Look, both my kids are away pursuing their life goals and my husband has a job profile that keeps him away for half of the month. It wouldn’t be nice if I loaded you with fruits and veggies only to let them perish or decay.” 

But my refrigerator would hear nothing of my solitude, much less sympathize with me. It began to hum dramatically as if conveying the message that I must learn to live for myself. At that moment, I realized my refrigerator wasn’t just a cooling appliance; it was a canvas of possibilities, a chamber of tastes waiting to be explored. I resolved to fill its shelves with a delightful array of ingredients, promising to breathe life into its otherwise minimalist existence. 

Embracing the newfound zest for culinary adventures, my refrigerator transformed into a treasure trove of gastronomic delights. Fresh greens nestled beside exotic cheeses, crisp apples shared space with succulent cuts of meat, and jars of homemade preserves and pickles added a dash of sweetness and tang to the bland flavours of my previous lifestyle. The once-condemning aura was replaced by an inviting aura as if it revelled in the vibrant medley that now adorned its shelves. 

Every visit to the refrigerator became a delightful surprise with its contents inspiring inventive meals and decadent desserts. The condescending look is now a memory of the past, replaced by a mutual understanding: my refrigerator and I, partners in culinary exploration, breathing life into each other’s existence, one delicious dish at a time.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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