10 Stress Relief Techniques That You Can Practice Anywhere



Exercise and Movements:  Regular exercise and physical activities such as walking, cycling, jogging, Yoga, or dancing help in releasing endorphins - a natural mood balancer that lowers stress hormones such as cortisol. Frequent exercise has psychological and physical advantages and is one of the easiest methods for stress management. Additionally, exercise improves mood, encourages better sleep, and raises self-esteem—all of which help people feel better about themselves and be more resilient in the face of stress.  (Image source: getty images)

Exercise and Movements: Regular exercise and physical activities such as walking, cycling, jogging, Yoga, or dancing help in releasing endorphins – a natural mood balancer that lowers stress hormones such as cortisol. Frequent exercise has psychological and physical advantages and is one of the easiest methods for stress management. Additionally, exercise improves mood, encourages better sleep, and raises self-esteem—all of which help people feel better about themselves and be more resilient in the face of stress. (Image source: getty images)


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